
Jun 20, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Bloodsucking Fiends

It's been a little while since I've participated in Teaser Tuesday but it's always been one of my favorite memes. I love getting glimpses into books that catch my attention and I love sharing what book I'm reading with others. In case you need a refresher, here are the rules:

  • Grab the book you're currently reading
  • Let it fall open to a random page
  • Choose two teaser sentences to share
  • Be careful NOT to include any spoilers
  • List the title, author and page number of the book
It's that simple. Today my teasers are from BLOODSUCKING FIENDS by Christopher Moore.  I just started reading last night and already I am hooked. Loving the humor and overall craziness of the story. It's just what I needed after some pretty tense books I've recently read. So, without further ado, here are my teasers . . .

"I've seen him," the Emperor whispered.  "It's a vampire."
Tommy recoiled as if he'd been spit on.  "A vampire florist?"
"Well, once you accept the vampire part, the florist part is a pretty easy leap, don't you think?" ~ page 29

Teaser Tuesday is hosted each week by Should Be Reading. Please stop by to check out all of the other teasers or to join in the fun and play along.


  1. That was a very funny teaser!! Of course, why couldn't the vampire be a florist?

  2. Vampire florist - raising my eyebrow. lol

    My TT is R Rated this week but funny.

  3. Funny! I love this teaser; a vampire florist sounds like a fun break from all the dark, brooding, and handsome types. :)


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