
Jun 12, 2011

[TSS] My Summer Reading List

Hello and thanks for stopping by today! Its been a busy weekend for me so far and I'm looking forward to relaxing today and enjoying some reading time. I kicked off my weekend Friday with a margarita night with my two best girls: my sister and my best friend. It was a beautiful, breezy night so we sat on Linda's front porch listening to the wind chimes and just having some 'girl time'. The best part was there was no driving involved since Linda and Brenda live in the same community. We simply stumbled over to Brenda's, where I spent the night. Her daughter graduated from high school Saturday and we had to get up super early for that. Since I can't drive, it was easier for me just to spend the night. It was a great ceremony and as it turned out, I got to see several of my friend's kids graduate. It was a lovely day.

So here we are staring summer in the face and its getting hotter by the day.  It's the perfect time to pick some good summer reads and there are a few that I am especially looking forward to. I don't read a lot of 'chick lit' but there are times when that is exactly what I'm in the mood for. I've been reading some pretty heavy stuff lately and its time to read something light and fun.

New Summer Releases I'm Excited About
There are two books that were released on June 7th that are definitely on my radar. The first is Mary Kay Andrews' SUMMER RENTAL. I am a huge fan of hers. I have all of her books and they are like crack to me. As soon as they come out, I devour them and then it feels like forever waiting for the next one! Her trademark Southern Fiction, mixed with witty and fun characters always make for a great read. It is perfect for this time of year and I'm sure I'll be reading it by the pool very soon.

Another summer read I'm definitely getting is BEST STAGED PLANS by Claire Cook. I have not read anything by this author and I just don't know how that is! I've read some great reviews and I'm really looking forward to this one as well.

Tying Up Loose Ends
One thing I have to do, though, is finish a couple books I've had to put aside for some ARC's. I am looking forward to getting back to Sarah Waters' THE LITTLE STRANGER and FINDING NOUF by Zoe Ferraris, which just got lost along the way somehow. I'm also half-way through the audio version of STILL MISSING by Chevy Stevens, which is very good. I also have the audio of THE SNOWMAN by Jo Nesbo that is patiently awaiting my attention!

I'm also on the waiting list for CROOKED LETTER, CROOKED LETTER by Tom Franklin at the library, but by the looks of it, its going to be awhile yet. There are also a few books on my shelves here at home I'd like to read before the end of the year: THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN, THE STORY OF EDGAR SAWTELLE and QUEEN OF PALMYRA, just to name a few.

Aside from the two new summer releases, I'm not planning to buy anymore books for a long while. Not until I get some of the ones read that I already own. And I own some really great books! I'm getting a little nervous because my eye disease seems to have progressed over the last month or so and I can see a big change in my vision. I really want to get some of the books on my shelves read before I can't see the writing anymore. That is going to require a lot of restraint because I LOVE to buy books!!

So, for the most part, that is what my reading schedule looks like for the foreseeable future. I'm sure I'll be making changes because even as I sit here and write this post, I'm thinking of ANNA KARENINA and THE BOOK THIEF that I also have on my shelves! One thing is clear: I need to get busy!

What summer reading do you have planned?

Upcoming Book Reviews:
  • THE STORM AT THE DOOR by Stefan Merrill Block (TLC Book Tour) June 15th
  • THE CYPRESS HOUSE by Michael Koryta  TBA


  1. I'm impressed that you've planned so far ahead. I kind of pick books as I go along.

  2. The past couple of years I've come up with a list of books to move off my shelves during the summer but this year is different. I'll still try to clear some but I'll pick one that sounds good each time I finish. Good luck to us both, right? I did buy the new Claire Cook and have the MKA book on my wish list so I'll watch for your reviews!

  3. I love to make lists so I'm sure that I'll sit down and make one, but I hardly ever follow it!!! Yours sounds great!! And so does that Margarita Night!

  4. I'm not sure if I will get around to making an official list this year. I want to, but can't seem to focus enough to get it done.

    I just bought two Nesbo books an I am thinking they'd be fab to read this summer.

  5. Just finished SUMMER RENTAL...she always delivers the perfect summer read!

  6. I need to sit down and make a list just to keep me on track! Looks like a fun reading summer :)

  7. So many books, so little time is such a true saying. I feel like I'll never catch up no matter how many lists I make or how many books I read; there's always another one out there calling to me. Hang in there for Crooked Letter because it's really a good read.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!