
Jun 29, 2011

W.W.W. Wednesdays 6.29.11

To play along with this fun weekly meme, all you have to do is answer these three simple questions:
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you plan to read next?
Here are my answers:
  • What are you currently reading? I've just started reading THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNETS NEST by Stieg Larsson. I'm reading this with my BFF, Brenda, who I have sucked into this trilogy. She is on summer vacay from her elementary teaching job so she now has plenty of time to read. We're looking forward to reading it together.  I'm also reading Tim Tebow's memoir, THROUGH MY EYES.  Living right near The University of Florida, where he garnered so much fame, it is impossible to not be a fan. I am a member of Gator Nation, as is my sister, Linda. Since she is blind and cannot read the book, I am reading this book to her. It's a fun way for us to spend time together and she is really enjoying it. 
  • What did you recently finish reading? I recently finished reading THE LITTLE STRANGER by Sarah Waters, BLOODSUCKING FIENDS by Christopher Moore and I also finished listening to the audio of THE CYPRESS HOUSE by Michael Koryta.  (Read review here)
  • What are you planning to read next?  I haven't decided what exactly I will be reading next but I have a few ideas.  SUMMER RENTAL by Mary Kay Andrews is one and I'm also waiting for CROOKED LETTER CROOKED LETTER by Tom Franklin to become available at the library. I also would like to read SISTER by Rosamund Lupton, especially after reading S. Krishna's Review earlier today. 
Be sure to stop by Should Be Reading each Wednesday to participate in this meme and see what other book lovers are reading. 


    1. Hi!
      My book club read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a couple of months ago. I didn't really like the book, but several of the other gals did. Have a great day!

      Just Books

    2. I'm sure you'll love The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest - possibly not as good as the first two, but then when is the third book the best anyway. Still definitely a book to read on holiday when you don't have to put it down!

    3. I also enjoyed the second book of The Girl Who... series the most. Enjoy!

    4. So many great books that you've read or want to read!! I just finished Harry potter 1 and 2 for me and I loved them even more the second time around!! Summer Rental sounds great and I must get a copy of Sister too!! I've read some great thoughts on that one.


    Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!