
Nov 29, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: 11.29.11

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, where each week we share a few teaser sentences with other book lovers to get a glimpse into the books being read. Its a great way to add to your TBR list! Here are the rules:

  • Grab your current book and let if fall open to a random page
  • Choose 2 teaser sentences to share
  • Be careful NOT to include any spoilers!!
  • Name the title, author and page number of the book you are taking your teasers from
It's that simple!! Now lets move on to my teasers for the week. I'm currently reading THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins and I'm taking my teasers from page 84.

Perhaps the girl doesn't even remember me.  But I know she does.  You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope.

Although this isn't a genre that I read a lot of, I am really enjoying this book. My goal is to get all three in the trilogy read before the movie comes out in March.

To participate in Teaser Tuesday, please visit MizB at Should Be Reading for all the details. Thanks for stopping by and please do visit again!  Happy Reading!


  1. How fun that you're reading these for the fist time. I loved The Hunger Games.

  2. I just recently read this one, too! Loved it!

    My TT

  3. I can see why it was a hyped book but overall not my cup of tea. I will watch the movie though.

  4. I'm probably the last person on earth who has not read this series. Glad to know that you are enjoying the book.

  5. I loved this one...great teaser!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!