
Feb 12, 2012

The Sunday Salon: Melody Lost

I woke up this morning and when the cobwebs cleared out of my head the reality that one of the world's most beautiful voices was silenced came crashing down. Although we don't know what caused this shocking death, speculation is running rampant and most people are assuming the worst. Like many, I've been rooting for Whitney these last years and hoping she could get control of her demons and live a life void of the terrible things that pulled her down.  Even when she was at her worst and her image was severely tainted by what we saw in the media, my heart went out to her. Those were not her finest moments, but I hoped she would make it through.

I was looking forward to watching the Grammy's tonight and now I'm sure the tone of the evening will be much more subdued out of respect for the Queen of Pop.  How ironic that she passed on the eve in which we celebrate the greatest in the music industry. I bought her last CD when it was released in 2009 and I really liked it and found some of the songs so moving. The title track is called I Look To You and its one of the best songs on the CD and one of my favorites.  In it, she has a conversation with God and I thought I'd share it here with you. The video is hauntingly beautiful.  Please take a minute to listen and watch.

In the coming days I'm sure we'll be bombarded with everything Whitney in the media, but I will try to stay focused on what she gave us with her lovely voice and not on anything negative. Its a sad time but there is solace in knowing that her fight with the demons is over and she can finally be at peace. RIP Whitney


  1. Thanks for posting the beautiful video, LIsa. She and her voice will be missed.

  2. I was sad when I saw she passed away. I think she was used by many people during her life.

  3. The video is something else. What an emotional song. I think it is so sad to see this happen to anyone, be it a star or just an average every day Joe.

  4. Wow. I had not heard this song before. What a beautiful video. She really was a beautiful lady. So talented but at the crux of it, so vulnerable. I think when women appear to be so strong on the outside, we tend to forget that there is a frailness that exists in all of us. During her trying times, so many wanted her to take the high road, but if you listen to her songs... she was in a constant battle with herself. Her true feeling came out in song. I was not a huge fan of hers, but I respect her music and what she did for the industry and there is no one, even today, that can compare to her.


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