
Apr 25, 2012

Review: Mick Abruzzo's Story by Nancy Martin (A Prequel to the Blackbird Sisters Mystery Series) Kindle Edition

As a big fan of Nancy Martin's very popular Blackbird Sisters Mystery Series, I was totally thrilled when I found this short story several weeks ago while perusing the Kindle Store.  I have been patiently awaiting the eighth book in the series to come out this August. This prequel is like a tiny hors d'oeurve given to me to whet my appetite until the big day when I'll finally get my main course! For those who have read the series - you know what I'm talking about! The chemistry between protagonist Nora Blackbird and her very sexy bad boy lover, Mick Abruzzo is the icing on the fun murder mystery cake!

With this delicious prequel, we get an insight into Mick's persona and how he got mixed up with Nora and her cooky sisters to begin with. In fact, after reading this quick prequel, I'm ready to re-read Book One, HOW TO MURDER A MILLIONAIRE because it leads right up to that book. It has been quite a long time since I started reading these entertaining stories and I have plenty of time until August when NO WAY TO KILL A LADY comes out.

If you are looking for something fun and quick to read this summer with a little romance and lots of sex appeal, you should check out this series and this prequel. It is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine and I enjoy them immensely. Nancy Martin weaves such clever wit and light romance into these mysteries, you almost want someone to get killed so they will continue! I'm speaking fictionally, of course!

Author: Nancy Martin
Publisher: Bookbaby
Published: 2006
Length: 328KB/35pp


  1. I haven't heard of this series and it sounds like it's right up my alley. I'll be picking this one up soon!

  2. I've never heard of this series but your enthusiasm has me checking it out!!

  3. I just discovered these books and can't wait until August for the next one! This has to be my favorite series of all time. Love those Blackbird sisters!


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