
Dec 10, 2012

Musing Mondays: Unfinished Business

Today's musing poses the question: What was the last book you couldn't finish and why? This musing is courtesy of

My Answer:

Very seldom do I ever not finish a book. I'm usually pretty good about sticking with a book until I am done, even if I am not loving it. However, over the summer I was prodded by a close friend to read E.L. James' FIFTY SHADES OF GREY. I put it off as long as I could, then I finally gave in after she actually put her copy in my hands and said 'Just READ it!!'. What else could I do? She absolutely loved it, told all of her friends to read it and I knew it would make her happy. So, I began reading.

Now, I'll start off by saying, I do not consider myself a book snob at all. However, I generally don't follow the masses when it comes to my reading choices. (I still have not read the Twilight Series!! Shocking, I know!)  The thing I noticed right off the bat was the constant over-use of phrases such as "Holy*hit!", "Holy *uck!", etc. The expletives didn't bother me, but the repetitiveness certainly did. I was already sick of it just a few chapters in.  Even if I could overlook that aspect, what I really disliked was the story in general. I realize my opinion may not be a popular one, given the hoards of women who read and loved this book, but as an avid reader, I feel that there are simply too many other writers out there who write fantastic literature and have spent their lives perfecting their craft and those are the types of authors I choose to support. If that makes me a snob, then so be it.

As far as the sex parts of the book goes, that didn't bother me at all. I am a women who enjoys great sex and am not afraid to try new things so I am not a prude, nor do I get offended easily. I simply just didn't feel the need or desire to read a whole book about it, especially a story I felt was lacking.

I made it almost halfway through the book, then one day I asked myself what value I would be taking away after reading this book and I couldn't come up with an answer. I saw the other books on my nightstand that were waiting for my attention and I realized I would much rather be spending my times with those instead.

For more musings, please visit MizB at Should Be Reading each Monday! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week in books!


  1. Great answer. I did finish the book, but I didn't enjoy it, either. For many of the same reasons. The story just wasn't interesting to me.
    Following you via GFC!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Megan @ love, literature, art & reason

  2. I never read the 'Grey' book, or the 'Twilight series' either. Therefore you are not alone in the world of not reading those books. I don't like erotria books, or witches, werewolves, etc kind of books so am never temped to even give them a second look.

    Thanks for the visit today.

  3. Yup, that's why I've not felt the need to pick these books up :)

  4. You outlined every reason why I've never picked this book up. I really don't understand the appeal, other than women wanting to read sex. I did read the Twilight books and they weren't anything special. Certainly not great literature like so many people seem to think they are. I suppose both authors have done a good thing in getting people to read more, but you'd think that everyone who adores this book would go on and find other, better books to read!
    2 Kids and Tired Books

  5. I wish I had but I read all three of them due to peer pressure. Could certainly tell they started life as a fan fiction.

  6. From what I've heard about that book I can see why you didn't finish it.

  7. That one does get mixed reviews. Even people who like it wonder why. Here is my post:

  8. "one day I asked myself what value I would be taking away after reading this book" excellent point!

    besides, I have heard it is just very poorly written. that I can not forgive.

  9. I haven't read 50 shades and don't plan to. My MM

  10. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Love your answer!

    “Very seldom do I ever not finish a book. I'm usually pretty good about sticking with a book until I am done, even if I am not loving it.”

    Same here.

    “However, I generally don't follow the masses when it comes to my reading choices. (I still have not read the Twilight Series!! Shocking, I know!)”

    Again, same here. Haven’t read the Twilight Series and don’t intend to do so in future. The only popular series I followed from the beginning was the Harry Potter series and that too because I was a kid back then. I practically grew up with Harry.

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