
Jan 15, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: All The Lonely People by Jess Riley

Today I'm taking my teasers from Jess Riley's ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE. For those of you who read her blog, you understand how witty this talented writer from Wisconsin is. Sometimes I actually have coffee coming out my nose from the things she says! Her previous book, DRIVING SIDEWAYS had me laughing out loud. This book, while dealing with the subject of loss, still has the same humor I've grown to expect from her. I'm bending the rules a bit today and sharing more than two sentences, but this particular passage really struck a chord with me. I chose to read this book for many reasons, some of them, quite personal. This quote isn't actually a funny one but it definitely shows another side to Ms. Riley's writing, which I love.

My Teasers:

Rumor has it, the death of a parent can bring brothers and sisters together.  It must make some people so glad to have siblings with whom to endure the ordeal.  They are your clan.  you share memories that keep that lost parent alive.  You help define one another.  You hold each other up, cry on one another's shoulders.  I know that losing  someone you love can make you a little crazy, dig up old resentments.  And we do hurt those we are closest to.  We take them for granted, screaming at them before answering the phone all sweetness and light, Hyde back to Jekyll in less than two seconds.  But what happened here?  How did my brother and sister and I fall so far away from one another?  If Clint or Gwen even noticed our distance, if they mourned but lost something even a little, I failed to see it. ~ Location 716 Kindle Edition

I hope you enjoyed my teasers today.  Thanks for stopping by! For more great teasers please visit Should Be Reading every Tuesday. 


  1. interesting! hmmm...may have to visit this one!

    Trish - My Teaser

  2. Wonderful teaser! New to me book/author -- will look her up now!

  3. I LOVED your teaser. I'm totally ignorant of this author so I'm anxiously waiting for your final thoughts. I'm sure I will be adding it to my list!

  4. I'm glad you posted more than two sentences, because I enjoyed that excerpt. I'll read this book for sure.
    My Teaser is from THE STORYTELLER.

  5. Great teaser, I'm impress that the author can still keep a wittiness to the book even though it's about losses.

    Here's my TT at Bookmunchies (:


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