
Feb 28, 2013

End of Month Wrap-Up: February 2013

February was a fantastic month for me. After suffering from some burn-out during the latter part of last year, I got out of my funk and back on track again. I've come to accept that burn-out is a normal occurrence for me that I go through about once a year. I don't let it get to me anymore, I just give my self some time and my craving for books comes back after a few weeks or so.

I also got back to visiting the blogs during February. I'd really missed that part of blogging and I missed the connection with other bloggers. In my travels I even discovered a few new blogs that I added to my Google Reader. (Let me just say, I LOVE MY GOOGLE READER!)

I started off the month with a review of a debut novel by Julie Kibler called CALLING ME HOME. This was the February She Reads Book Club selection and it was a good one. In fact, that review was my most popular post for the entire month with over a hundred views. Following close behind was my review for THE RIVER WITCH by Kimberly Brock. My other two reviews posted in February, ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE by Jess Riley and THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER by Stephen Chbosky, were also  very well received with over 50 views a piece. Not bad for an Indie and a book that has been out since 1999.

There was another post in February that got alot of attention and it was a Sunday Salon post that opened up a great dialogue. It was a discussion on the 1 to 5 star rating method and my decision to omit them from reviews  on my blog from now on. It was very interesting to listen to different reviewers' opinions and why they either do or don't use this method. Overall, most people agreed with my decision yet some gave good reasons for why they continue using this method. I am very thankful for the participation on this topic. That's what I call a great Sunday Salon post!

Thank you to everyone who visited my blog in February. You are the reason I had such a great month! I am looking forward to March and what it will bring. I've got some interesting books lined up and I hope you'll come back and join the conversation again. Happy Reading!


  1. I am just listening to Calling Me Home now and it's so good. You already know I loved The River Witch. You've had a great month. Hopefully March is just as good.

  2. I certainly took note of the great books you read in February and added them to my list!!! I don't rate books either. Just recommend or not....


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!