
Feb 11, 2013

Its Monday! What Are You Reading?

Happy Monday Everyone! This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books. Wediscuss the books we've read and what we're planning to read for the week.

Books I Read and Talked About Last Week -

I finished reading THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER by Stephen Chbosky last week. The book is made up of a series of letters written by 16-year old Charlie over the course of a year. One reason I wanted to read the book is that I wanted to watch the movie version starring Paul Rudd (who I have a crush on) but I wanted to have already read the book. 

I posted a review of ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE by Jess Riley last week. It's a humorous look at one family's dysfunction that also deals with some serious topics. I encourage you to check it out. 

If you follow me on Twitter, (@SouthrnGrlReads) you'll know that last week I talked alot about Julie Kibler's debut, CALLING ME HOME, last week. It is our February selection for She Reads Book Club and it was a fantastic choice. 

I started reading Sarah Jio's BLACKBERRY WINTER and I know I'm going to really like it. 

Books I'll Be Focusing On This Week -

My main focus is going to be on THE SILENCE OF BONAVENTURE ARROW by Rita Leganski. I started it last evening and right away the lovely lyrical prose is blowing me away! Not to mention the mystical locale of New Orleans and all that that entails. This will definitely be a real treat for my literary senses. 

I will also continue reading BLACKBERRY WINTER this week. I'm hooked on it! Now I know what all the fuss was about when it was making a loud splash on the blogs.

Reviews I'll be posting this week are THE RIVER WITCH by Kimberly Brock and THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER by Stephen Chbosky. 

I'm really looking forward to this week in books and I hope your week is full of great books as well! Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. I've wanted to read Perks of Being a Wallflower too and just haven't gotten to it yet.

  2. Perks is SO good! I just loved the heck out of that book :)

    Have a great week of reading!

  3. Blackberry Winter has been on my list to read. Have a great week!

  4. The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow should show up at my doorstep soon.

  5. Perks of being a Wallflower and Calling me home look like books I'd like to read. Thanks for the suggestions! Have a good week and look forward to seeing your reviews. Love the name of your blog, I live in the South and am becoming an avid reader as well :)

  6. Blackberry Winter was a good read. I am sure you will enjoy it. Calling Me Home it getting positive reviews!

  7. I'm hoping to get to Blackberry Winter soon, I loved The Bungalow. The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow is new to me but it sounds wonderful.
    Have a great week and happy reading :)

  8. Loved loved loved The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow.

  9. I loved Perks! and I will join you on the crush on Paul too!! You're reading some great books and I'm really happy to read that you are loving Sarah Jio! She's a fave author of mine! Have a great week!

  10. I've been wanting to read Perks of Being a Wallflower, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I love the cover of The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow! I hope it's good :-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!