
Apr 14, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Happy Monday everyone! This fun, weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. We discuss books we've read and reviewed during the past week and talk about what we are planning to read in the coming week. 

Books I Finished/Reviewed Last Week:

I finished reading a new book by Doug Richardson called BLOOD MONEY. Its a fast-paced crime novel that has a bit of everything: murder; cops; feds; rich Hollywood types with a sense of entitlement; and a odd pairing of cops with totally different work styles. I'll be posting my review in the coming days.

I posted my review of BLACKBERRY WINTER by Sarah Jio. You can find it here. She is an author I am definitely going to be reading a lot more of this year. I have to catch up on her previous two novels, plus she has one coming out on May 28th called THE LAST CAMELLIA and she's currently working on her fifth novel.  

Books I'll Be Focusing On This Week:

My main focus will be on a debut novel that was released last month by Touchstone called SWIMMING AT NIGHT by Lucy Clarke.  It's a gripping story of two sisters from London. Mia is the younger, breezy sister of Katie Greene, the orderly and very pretty older sister. Shortly after Mia left with her friend, Finn to travel the world, Katie received the devastating news that Mia committed suicide in Bali. The trouble was that Mia wasn't even supposed to be in Bali. According to her itinerary, she was to be in Australia. Katie refuses to believe that her sister has taken her own life and sets out to find the truth behind her sister's death. I've only just begun reading but already I am getting drawn into the story. I think I like where this  one is far.

I didn't spend much time on my audio, SIX YEARS by Harlen Coben, last week, so I'll definitely be working on that as well. I've already chosen my next audio and it will be THE EXPATS by Chris Pavone. As you know, this book got a lot of buzz when it first came out and I've heard the audio version is very good.

Upcoming Reviews:

  • THE GOOD HOUSE by Ann Leary (Audio)
  • SHINE, SHINE, SHINE by Lydia Netzer (Audio)
  • BLOOD MONEY by Doug Richardson


  1. I've been seeing Blood Money around and it is getting positive reviews. The Expats is very good on audio. Have a great week.

  2. I have recently downloaded a copy of Blood Money to my kindle, looking forward to your thoughts on it later in the week.

  3. Swimming at Night sounds lovely and melancholy. I hope you're enjoying it :) The cover is very pretty too.

    Have a great week of reading!

  4. Looks like a good selection of books, I've heard of but haven't had the pleasure to read. Hope you enjoy them and have a fabulous reading week!

  5. Swimming at Night looks good. I am taking a break from Wind-Up to read Orphan Train for a tour and then I started Panorama City which is wonderful.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!