
Aug 25, 2013

The Sunday Salon: Summer Break

Hello everyone! I took a short hiatus for a month or so but I'm anxious to get back to posting regularly again. I find I like to take a break during the long, hot summer days - it always makes me feel rejuvenated afterwards. I thought I'd ease back into things with a little catch up post.

Another reason I slacked off a bit is I was going through some changes with my eyes and adjusting to a little more loss of vision. Although its a gradual thing, its still jarring to notice the changes. Therefore, I'm becoming more and more dependant on my Paperwhite Kindle and less on actual books. My computer also has some issues so I wasn't able to download any audios for a time but I think I have that figured out. I'm looking forward to September for some great books!

Okay, so its no secret that I loved the Sookie Stackhouse mystery series and I was very disappointed when the series ended earlier this year. I like the quirkiness and well, the just plain fun of those books and I was wondering what I would replace it with. Well, wonder no more! Recently I stumbled across a fairly new series written by Barbra Annino called the Stacy Justice Mysteries. Its a paranormal cozy mystery series that is magical, entertaining, and laugh out loud funny! I'm reading the first book, OPAL FIRE now and I am really liking it. I do believe Stacy is my new Sookie! Not that Sookie can be replaced, mind you! I was very lucky to have gotten the first four books for 1.99 each as a Kindle Daily Deal recently. The last book just came out in July and they are quick reads so it'll be easy to get caught up.
With the film version of THE BOOK THIEF coming out I felt it was high time I finally got around to reading it! I've had the book for years but it kept getting pushed aside. Well, no more! Again, due to my deteriorating vision, I used one of my precious Audible credits and downloaded the audio version. I'm so excited to get started! The narrator, Allan Corduner is going to be AMAZING! Another great audio I'm looking forward to is CITY OF THIEVES that I also just downloaded. This one has been on my TBR list for awhile.

During my little break, I didn't stop reading all together. I did get some books read and I'll have several reviews that I'll be posting in the coming days. I hope you'll stop back by and check them out. I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer and spending time with some great books!


  1. I love it when I find a new series that delights me. Sorry for your continued vision loss. I'm so impressed and inspired by your willingness to experiment and determination to find ways to keep reading.

    Joy's Book Blog

  2. I am sorry to hear the news about your eyes but so glad that the Paperwhite is able to keep you in books!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!