
Jan 4, 2015

[TSS] Goals for the New Year

Welcome to 2015!  This week I'll be celebrating my blogoversary here at Southern Girl Reads! Tuesday, January 6 will mark my 7th anniversary and I'm very excited to continue sharing more great books and stories with all of you! I also want to thank the many readers of SGR over the last 9 years and let you know how much your continued support and interaction means to me. I'm ready and anxious to see where this year takes me, both in my personal and reading/blogging life!

One area that I worked hard on last year that had a profoundly positive effect on me was the decision to take better care of myself.  I didn't focus on daily workouts and exercise regimes as I did just changing the way I eat and think about food. I actually didn't do a lot of exercise but I still managed to lose weight and, most importantly, I learned how to be smart about food.  I must say that after reading JJ Smith's 10 DAY \GREEN SMOOTHIE CLEANSE, it stated that it would change the way I think about food and, honestly, I thought, OK, sure... but it really did do that for me! I'm planning to incorporate the recipes from that book into my daily life and let it give me a boost whenever I need it.  I really have to get back on track because I have basically no will power when it comes to holiday foods. I'm so glad they are behind me and now I can return my focus to eating healthy. This unseasonably warm weather we've been having has also helped me get away from the normal winter comfort foods that I tend to rely on in the cold months. I've actually been eating salads lately and they've tasted very refreshing.

As far as my reading life goes, I want to explore more short stories this year. I've never spent a lot of time with them and I think I'm cheating myself out of some great writing. Because of my love for Southern Fiction, I'm especially looking forward to some classic Flannery O'Connor, Joan Williams,.and maybe even some Faulkner. I recently came across an article on (April 2014) outlining 20 great southern short stories and I plan to use that as a reference point.

 With that said, I don't plan to focus solely on southern short stories. The beauty of shorts is that they don't occupy all of your time! I also want to continue with Karin Slaughter's crime thriller series, Will Trent and also Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series. THE GOLDFINCH is a book I started last year and for whatever reason, set it aside. I'm planning to pick that book up this month and get through it. I do think it'll be worth the time in reading.

Audio books have become a huge part of my reading over the last two years and I find I enjoy them more than I ever thought I would. They are so convenient and as long as I like the narrator, I'm all in! The first audio book I'll be starting this year is ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by Anthony Doerr.  Over the last few years, I've become interested in stories focused around the German  Occupation of France in WWII and it's effect on the people of both countries, especially the younger generation. The reviews for this audio book are fantastic.  It sounds like something I will get totally lost in. I'm very excited about it.

I'd love for you to share your goals for 2015 and I hope you'll come back often and see how mine are coming. I'd also like to wish everyone a great new year filled with happiness, health and great books!


  1. I had a class in college on both Faulkner and O'Connor so I can tell you that you're in for a treat with at least the O'Connor. Faulkner's good too, but O'Connor is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy her short stories too. My goals for 2015 are to exercise, period; focus on whatever it is that I'm doing, at work or at home; and go to church once a week. Those are the beginning anyway. Best of luck on your goals for this year too.

    1. Thanks Bryan! Those sounds like great goals to me! I'm hoping to attend church (at least online) more often myself. Good luck to you as well and Happy New Year!

  2. I'm ready for a healthier start in the new year, too! I love salads -- can't stand smoothies. To me, they look like beautiful salads and I don't know why anyone would put them in a blender. But I know lots of people who swear by them.

    All the Light We Cannot See sounds good -- a topic that interests me, too!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Hello Joy! The smoothies I like are made with greens and fruit. They look strange and green but they taste pretty good! Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year to you!

  3. Happy blogiversary! It's amazing how time flies by.

    1. You are right - time has flown by! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! You've also been blogging a long time! Happy New Year!

  4. I almost, almost, almost picked up a book of Faulkner's at the bookstore last week. He is an author I have completely missed.

    1. I feel somewhat of an obligation to try his work since I'm not all that familiar and I've lived in the South for over 30 years! This will be the year that I finally read The Sound and the Fury all the way through! Happy New Year Deb!

  5. Wow, 9 years of blogging is amazing. Congratulations!

  6. Happy Blogoversary! and Happy New Year!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!