
Jul 30, 2015

Throw Back Thursday: My Introduction to Magical Realism

Today I'm continuing my monthly feature of going back in time to 2008, my first year of blogging. It's interesting to see how my blog has changed, along with the books I read and the way I write reviews and other bookish posts.

In the summer of 2008 I was introduced to a new author who's first book had come out the previous year (August 2007). It was a fellow blogger who raved about this book and since it was a new genre for me I wanted to give it a try. The author was Sarah Addison Allen and the book was GARDEN SPELLS! At that time I didn't read any fantasy or paranormal type of books and honestly, I had never heard the term 'magical realism' before. I was so curious! 

Once I began reading I was instantly captivated by the story of the Waverly sisters and their special apple tree and all the family secrets that came out in their 'magical' recipes and concoctions. I flew through that book and so began my first adventures into an intriguing genre of books. 

From that moment on, I was a fan of Sarah Addison Allen. Her latest, FIRST FROST, which came out earlier this year is a sequel to GARDEN SPELLS  and though I haven't read it yet, it is on my list. I've read all of her other books and I've loved them all. 

If you enjoy a lighter touch of  the paranormal and great stories of family and friends you must try Sarah Addison Allen's books if you haven't already. They are charming, entertaining and fun. For my review of GARDEN SPELLS from 2008, click here


  1. This is an author that I keep meaning to read. I think I own one of her books - something about Peach Keeper? Anyway, I'll get to her at some point. Nice to know that so many recommend these books.

    1. Oh, you really should give her a try! The book you have is THE PEACH KEEPER and I really enjoyed that one as well! Go ahead, bite into it!! :)

  2. I find it so embarrassing to read my early reviews I have stopped doing it! LOL But there is truly so much I have been introduced to via blogging and other bloggers!

    1. I know what you mean! Sometimes I cringe when I read my early reviews too. They seem so simple and not what I would do now at all! Thanks for stopping by for a look back! :)


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