
Aug 30, 2015

The Sunday Salon: Tough Week Ahead

I'm having trouble grasping that September is here. I've been seeing commercials about 'Fall' but here in Florida we're a long way off from having cooler weather! This has been one of the toughest summers in my life and hopefully this week will mark the beginning of a much better season.

Getting My Health Back!

In early Summer - June 4th to be exact, I woke up in terrible pain, unable to move my left arm away from my body. I'd been suffering from shoulder soreness for years that would come and go but this was totally different. I was referred to an orthopedist who took an X-ray, told me I had Tendinitis, gave me a shot of cortizone and  sent me home.  Long story short - it didn't work. Fast forward to mid August and 2 MRI's later, I was finally diagnosed with having a 'massive' herniated disc between my C6 and C7 vertebrae. I'm scheduled to have surgery this Thursday to remove the bad disc. Since I've never even been a patient in a hospital before, I'm a little nervous but I'm told it's a fairly common operation and I only have to stay one night in the hospital. I'm so looking forward to the relief it's going to give me! I doubt I'll be posting much in the weeks following, especially the first 3 weeks but I'll be back better than before!

The Books!

I haven't been able to do much this summer but I have managed to read some really great books. last week I read GO SET A WATCHMAN by Harper Lee. As I read it I liked it but didn't love it, but those last chapters really moved me and I came away really glad I read it. I will say this: I don't agree with all the negative hype this book received when it first came out and all the outrage about Atticus not being the man we thought he was. I didn't look at it that way at all and I wonder if those people really read the book and understood what was being said in the way only Harper Lee could say it. I'll expound more on that when I post my review but for now that's my small opinion.

I also discovered a couple new-to-me authors. I finished HUNTRESS MOON by Alexandra Sokoloff, which is the first book in the paranormal FBI thriller series. It was a quick read that kept my attention while I was living in my reclining chaise unable to move.  I'll be posting my review in the coming weeks. I have the second book, BLOOD MOON and I'll probably read it later this year.

I'm reading a good summer ghost story right now that I'm enjoying so far. It's called BLISS HOUSE and it's by Laura Benedict. I like that it takes place in Virginia and the main character is this old historic house that has terrorized people for generations. I'm only about a third into it but it's a nice change of pace.  I'm hoping to finish it before Thursday.

While I recover from surgery, I'm also going to continue with Karin Slaughter's Will Trent series. I'll be starting Book 4 BROKEN.  Previously I listened to Book 3, but I didn't enjoy the audio as much as reading the actual book.

So that's my plan for the next several weeks. Don't know how often I'll be checking in but I will definitely keep reading and try to visit some of your blogs.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great reading week!


  1. Dealing with doctors is so frustrating, isn't it? I'm glad you finally got the correct diagnosis and wish you a speedy recovery.

  2. I think you lucked out by finding a doctor who could identify the problem. Sometimes it takes so long.

    Best wishes for a quick recovery!

    Here's my Sunday Salon!

  3. I'm glad you'll be able hopefully to get the relief you so desperately need, but it looks like you'll have some good books to accompany you as you recover.

  4. Good luck with your surgery and recovery! I hop you'll have plenty of time to read while you're recovering.

  5. Good luck with your surgery! What is the expected recovery time for something like this?


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