
May 22, 2016

The Sunday Salon: After the Big Move!

A lot has changed since my last post to this blog. Back in March I was preparing to move out of my house that I'd sold and pack up all my worldly belongings and move back to my home state of Ohio. Well, the move is done, I'm (for the most part) settled in my new apartment and life is slowly getting to a new normal. I was sidelined for well over a week with a terrible cold but I'm much better now. The weather, though I'm loving the cooler temps, is much different than what I'm used to and that has been another adjustment. I'm not typically a jacket-wearer, but here, you need to have one handy because the air is so different. But I can say without a doubt that I do not miss the sweltering humidity of Florida.

Though the actual move with the movers went smoothly, the car ride from Florida to Ohio was anything but. We left Florida in the wee hours of April 16 and that afternoon we'd made our way to Chattanooga, TN and stopped for lunch. A few hours later while going through Louden, TN, my mother's car blew a tire while going somewhere close to 70 mph. She and my sister and their three cats were in the car and they were following behind the car I was in with my best friend and her husband and we were pulling a small U-Haul trailer. The sound of screeching tires was so frightening, especially when I realized it was my 76 year-old mom's car that was making the noise. Her car was headed into a median with a very rough terrain, but luckily she side-swiped a sign that pushed her back onto I-75 and she was able to get the car under control and stopped without involving other cars or sustaining injuries. They were extremely lucky and we were all thankful no one was hurt, besides the car. (over $9,000 in mostly body damage) The accident held us up for about four hours but we were back on the road by 7:30 pm and continued on. Again, we are all incredibly grateful we all made it safely because it could have easily had a much different outcome.

It feels really good to be settled and to begin a new routine here in Amelia, Ohio. It's such a nice city and  so close to Cincinnati, where there is so much to do, unlike whee I moved from. I finally started reading again this month and now that I have my home office set up I'll start posting reviews that have been stacking up since March, when I had to be out of my house. It's also nice to have all my stuff out of storage!  Here's a peek at some of the books I'll be posting reviews for in the coming weeks::

  • THE WEEKENDERS by Mary Kay Andrews
  • COMETH THE HOUR by Jeffrey Archer
  • THE BLUE by Lucy Clarke
  • THE GUEST ROOM by Chris Bohjalian (Audio Review)
  • PRETTY GIRLS by Karin Slaughter (Audio Review)
The two books I'm currently reading are very exciting too. INK AND BONE by Lisa Unger is due out in June. It's my first from this author, but so far I am really into it. It's a physiological thriller in which the main character has the ability to see people who've crossed over. I am intrigued by mediums, so I'm really enjoying this book. I'm also listening to THE GOOD GIRL by Mary Kubica, also a new author to me.

I'm looking forward to visiting the blogs now that I am all moved in to see what everyone else is reading.  I feel so out-of-the-loop! As for today, I plan to do some laundry and spend some time reading.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by today and please visit again soon!


  1. I wish you lived in Cleveland where I am at. I am dying to meet boggers in real life. lol I am glad everyone got to Ohio safely.

    1. Yes, Cleveland is pretty far from me Hillary. There are a few bloggers that do live nearer to and we are hoping to meet IRL. Thanks for stopping by today!

  2. Glad to see you back - and glad everyone was safe after that accident. I look forward to seeing you more here, especially on Sundays.

    1. Thanks Bryan, I've missed my book friends and have felt cut off from a big part of my life. So glad you stopped by today! I will see you round!

  3. Oh my gosh, that sounds so scary! I'm thankful You're all safe. Congratulations on your new home!

    1. Kathy, yes it was sooo scary and I am just glad it is all over! :)

  4. Glad you're all moved and settled. Sorry for the scary moments along the way though... I'm glad nobody was hurt!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!