
Jan 13, 2008

A Fish Story

Isn't it crazy how fast a weekend can blow by. You wait all week for it to get here and in a blink of a nano second, its gone and you're back to counting the days until the next one. Crazy . . . My two goals this weekend were to finish one of the books I'm reading (to make room for another one I'm getting soon) and try my hand at cooking some seafood. My experimental ingrediant was grouper. I've been trying to eat more fish and since I don't really know alot about how to prepare it, I'm in unchartered waters, so to speak. Grouper was the big bargain at the store this week (does that have anything to do with the news article I read that there's a problem with people passing off other fish as grouper lately?? - It tasted like grouper to me!) Anyway, with some suggestions from my dad, I fixed my grouper and I have to say, it tasted good! Cooking fish may not be as hard as I thought it would be.

The other thing on my agenda, finishing one of the books I'm reading, hasn't happened yet, but I still have a few hours of this day left, so it could still happen. It was hard to read this weekend with all the NFL Playoffs on tv. I can't concentrate on a book - I might miss a play!! I'm happy for the Chargers; my cousin is from San Diego, so I had to pull for them. But I really wanted Dallas to win their game against New York. But it wasn't meant to be. I'm thinking its going to be the Patriots and the Packers in the Super Bowl. And of course, I'm going with Green Bay. Go Brett!!

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