
Jan 6, 2008

My First Post

Welcome to the first post of my new blog. I've been wanting to start my own blog for awhile now, but just haven't gotten around to doing it until now. I thought that since this is the beginning of a new year, it would be a good time to quit putting it off. Which brings me to my one New Years Resolution. My resolution is to stop proscrastinating. Oh, and maybe my second resolution is to get organized. We'll see how that goes . . .

Today is Sunday and my day got off to a great start with going to church at First Baptist Church of Ocala with my mom, as I do every Sunday. Today was a special day for our church, as we officially welcomed our new pastor, Dr. Mark Cummins. My mom and I only recently began attending the church, but it has been something we've wanted to do for awhile. But like most people, we kept putting it off. I'm so glad we've made the committment to attend services there because I always feel better after having gone. I truly enjoy the messages Pastor Mark delivers to us. I've marked this year to begin exploring my faith. I don't know why, really, but I've had events happen in my life over the past several years that have left me feeling out of sorts and I believe that turning to my faith will help me get thru the difficult times I face.

I sit here now at my computer watching the NFC playoffs as my beloved Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the New York Giants. My Bucs have taken alot of crap over the years (even after we won the SuperBowl), but I'm a fan whether they win or lose. Hopefully they'll win today and get one step closer to another ring.

It seems like there just isn't enough time in the day to get everything I need to get done. I really need to start working out, but there is always chores and also my many hobbies. I love to read, and most of the time I have no less than three books going at once. I'm reading a very important autobiography now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I saw her on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN last month and was so impressed with her bravery and all she's been through. She's only 5 years younger than me, but she has had horrific things happen to her. I'm only half-way thru the book, but I can honestly say that every teenage American should read this book. It opened my eyes as to how lucky I am to have been raised an American in the 60's and 70's. I had a wonderful childhood with the world at my feet. Young people take that for granted these days, as I did. This book reminds me just how lucky I am. There's another book I want to read after this one called, "While Europe Slept". I've heard it is an excellent book. I first heard about it on Glenn Beck's show the night he had Ayaan Hirsi Ali on. It deals with the Muslim effect of Europe. I look forward to reading it.

One of my favorite authors of fiction is Mary Kay Andrews and I am currently waiting on her new book, "Deep Dish" to be released. Her books are a riot and I usually can't put them down. Because I'm a southern gal, I relate to her characters. I love her sense of humor and of southern traditions. Since I'm also a 'foodie', I'm really looking forward to this book. Its my understanding its about two rival tv-chefs. It's gonna be a hoot!! But I still have another month or so to wait. I need to finish one of the other books I have anyway!

Its getting down the the fourth quarter of my game and my Bucs need my attention, (we're currently behind by 10 points!!) so I'm going to close for now! Go Bucs!!

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