Apr 29, 2008
The Kitten & the Book

Apr 26, 2008
New Kitty

Apr 23, 2008
Book Review: Infidel
Ayaan Hirsi Ali,
Theo van Gogh,
Apr 19, 2008
I'm a Reviewer!
I'm so excited! I was contacted via email a few days ago by The Book Network, who runs bookreporter.com, a website all about books and authors. It's a great website that showcases new releases, has interviews with authors etc. Anyway, I was asked to read a book that has just been released, then write the review here on my blog! All I have to do is obviously, get the book read within a reasonable period of time, be honest about my review and send them a link to it once its been posted. I've always wanted to do this, so now I'm patiently waiting on my copy of the book. Its called THE EX-DEBUTANTE by Linda Francis Lee. After reading about it on bookreporter.com, it appears to be a very witty, smartly written story about an ex-deb from Texas who now lives in Boston and works as a lawyer. She goes back to her wealthy Texas family to help her mother thru yet another divorce and gets sucked back into a life she thought (and hoped) she'd left behind. I look forward to reading it. AND I get to keep the book! While I wait for my book to arrive, I'll have time to finish INFIDEL, which I've been reading off and on for a couple months. I'll be posting that review shortly.
Linda Frances Lee,
Apr 17, 2008
Book Review: Deep Dish
Being a Southerner, it isn't hard to figure that I love Southern Fiction and no one does it like Mary Kay Andrews. DEEP DISH is the story of Gina Foxton and Tate Moody, two regional TV chefs from Atlanta who are competing for their own show on a national cooking network. They end up doing a reality-type competition and the winner gets the new show. You don't have to be a foodie to enjoy this book. Its a fun story that has original twists in it, but overall, the ending is predictable. The characters are new and are independant of the SAVANNAH BLUES series. Like all her charachters in her books, they are likable and quirky. There's just enough romance and excitement, but if you're looking for hot, steamy romance, this isn't the book for you. It was a quick read and entertaining enough that when I did have to stop reading to go work or do house chores, I wanted to hurry and get back to see what would happen next. Its a great summer read that has a feel-good ending.
Mary Kay is currently working on her next book, THE FIXER UPPER, which will take readers back to the SAVANNAH BLUES series and beloved characters Weezie and Bebe. You can click here to check out her website for more information on all her books.
Mary Kay is currently working on her next book, THE FIXER UPPER, which will take readers back to the SAVANNAH BLUES series and beloved characters Weezie and Bebe. You can click here to check out her website for more information on all her books.
Apr 14, 2008
Beach Weekend

There are so many things to see in St. Augustine and things to learn. You learn that Hentry Flagler, who not only is the county named for, but also the private college that sits right on the water, built the historic Presbyterian Church in memory of his daughter in 1890.
Every time I go to St. Augustine, I fall in love with it all over again. So many historic sites to see, not to mention the specialty shoppes in Old Towne.

Every time I go to St. Augustine, I fall in love with it all over again. So many historic sites to see, not to mention the specialty shoppes in Old Towne.
We got up early our last day there and went to the beach to watch the sunrise. Then it was off to the pool for some more swimming and tanning. We had a great time and laughed alot and ate wonderful seafood. St. Augustine is one of Florida's best places to visit with so many things to do, you can't help but want to go back again.
Apr 9, 2008
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

One of the many accomplishments of these facilities is the publication of several books written by students who attend these tutoring facilities. The first book in the series was published in 2001 called WAITING TO BE HEARD. It's a collection of essays, poems, fictional stories and even personal experiences from 39 students speaking out against local, national and worldwide violence, from their point of view. I had a chance to flip thru this book briefly and I saw enough to know that I want to read it. I hope you'll take a minute to listen to the talk. I believe it'll be time well spent, especially if you're a parent.
Apr 7, 2008
Drying Out
This past weekend was a great reading weekend. It started raining here Friday and didn't stop until late last nite. It was a nice steady rain that will be good for the yard. I spent alot of time curled up on my couch reading. Since I'd finished THE LOVELY BONES, I was ready to start a new book so I picked up DEEP DISH, by Mary Kay Andrews. I've been looking forward to this one. Its southern fiction with alot of humor and after reading some pretty serious books lately I am ready for some lighter reading. If you're from the South, like I am, you can really appreciate this author. I made a pretty good dent in it the past few days so I'll give a full review once I've finished.
Sunday's bible study was very good. We're doing a series on 'Comebacks' and this week we focused on emotional comebacks. Troubled relationships, etc. It really hit close to home with me, as I'm experiencing some problems in my life with a family member. Its been going on for almost 4 months now and it bothers me every day. In church, we focused on guilt, grief and grudges and how to let go of all three and hand it over to God. Its actually hard for alot of people to do. You can't change people or even change what they think of you. Sometimes you have to just move past it and go forward. I found myself wishing that the family member I am at odds with were there in church with me.
A cheerful heart (emotions) is good medicine, but a broken spirit (emotions) saps a person’s strength. Proverbs 17.22
Sunday's bible study was very good. We're doing a series on 'Comebacks' and this week we focused on emotional comebacks. Troubled relationships, etc. It really hit close to home with me, as I'm experiencing some problems in my life with a family member. Its been going on for almost 4 months now and it bothers me every day. In church, we focused on guilt, grief and grudges and how to let go of all three and hand it over to God. Its actually hard for alot of people to do. You can't change people or even change what they think of you. Sometimes you have to just move past it and go forward. I found myself wishing that the family member I am at odds with were there in church with me.
A cheerful heart (emotions) is good medicine, but a broken spirit (emotions) saps a person’s strength. Proverbs 17.22
bible study,
Deep Dish,
Mary Kay Andrews,
southern fiction,
tv chef
Apr 4, 2008
Book Review: The Lovely Bones
This chilling story is told by a 14 year-old murder victim, Susie, as she watches the aftermath of her death from her heaven above. She watches over her family and feels helpless and sometimes guilty of the path her family now follows. Her mother, father, sister and brother all deal with the tragedy in very different ways. She also sees her murderer from heaven and can't do anything to bring his guilt to the attention of the authorities, even though some of her family already suspect him, but no one will listen. As the years pass she watches as her family tries to come to terms with their loss. She watches with envy as her younger sister grows into the beautiful, smart young woman that she will never be. She watches her parents, who once were so close become almost strangers to each other and she watches her little brother grow up to be the one constantly watching over their father, who seems so fragile still.
I liked this book and the writing style of the author, Alice Sebold. The story jumps around a bit, going back in time briefly here and there and jumps from one character to the next, but does it in a way that it always brings it right back to the present. You are able to get a good understanding of the characters and why they are who they are. This book is being made into a movie starring Susan Sarandon and Mark Wahlberg so I'm sure it'll be worth seeing. Even though the topic was tragic and sad, the story is gripping and I was glad I read it. Alice Sebold is also the author of LUCKY: A MEMOIR, written in 2001. It's the story of her own violent rape as a freshman at Syracuse University.
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