Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page where we share what books we received (or bought) the previous week.
Here's what I found in my mailbox last week . . .

STAINED GLASS (Father Dowling Mystery) byRalph McInerny. Sent to me from St. Martins Press. This is the latest in this very well established series. Although I haven't read any of the previous books, they sound very good and I will probablyback track and read some of the others as well. This book will be released on October 13th.

LOOT THE MOON by Mark Arsenault. This was also sent from St. Martins Press. Here's what Amazon says about this very promising thriller.
In this next electifying thriller from up-and-coming author Mark Arsenault, former journalist and beaten-down gambler Billy Povich returns to aid Martin Smothers, the Patron Lawyer of Hopeless Causes. Martin’s old law partner, the well-respected superior court judge Gilbert Harmony, has been shot by a thief who dies in a car crash. The cops close the case, but Martin doesn’t believe a two-bit shoplifter would suddenly kill a judge---somebody must have paid him to do it. The suspects range from a vengeful mobster to a jealous brother to the judge's widow, and---oops---his mistress and her son. And as Billy comes closer to the truth, it isn't long before the killer takes aim at him.
That sounds to me like a great story! This book will also be released October 13th.

JULIE AND JULIA by Julie Powell. I won this book in a giveaway hosted by Bonnie at Redlady's Reading Room! Thanks again Bonnie! I've read mixed reviews on this one so I'm anxious to see where it falls with me. I also want to read it before I see the movie.
What great books did you find in your mailbox last week?