
Jan 5, 2009

Musing Mondays: Library Books

Today Musing Mondays asks:

Do you have a system for borrowing out books from the library? Do you know what you're going to borrow before you get there? How often do you borrow out books?

Lately, I haven't been borrowing library books like I have in the past, but my system is pretty simple. I typically always know ahead of time what book(s) I'm going to check out. The first thing I do is go to their website to make sure they have the book available. Many times, I have to wait for the book I want to be checked back in. Our local library has a very user-friendly website that allows you to request a book and when it becomes available they send an email and will even hold it up front for you. I really should be utilizing the library more than I am and I plan to do so this year. I've become a bit spoiled and want to own all the books I read, but these days I just can't afford to do that. However, if its an author who I really love, then I will buy the book. Libraries are great for books that I'm not quite sure about or authors that I'm not familiar with. Fortunately, I do have a hefty TBR pile that will keep me busy for awhile, but I think I'll be making trips to the library more frequently this year.

Do you borrow books from your local library?


  1. My library use has increased now that it's possible to search for a book (online) before taking a trip to town.

  2. I answered the Musing Monday question here

    My goal this year is to make a huge dent in my TBR shelves so my library use may be a bit less.

  3. I love the 'request' function for books too but sometimes the waiting list can be riddiculously long. I test-drive authors at libraries too before 'investing' in them. :-)

  4. Thank goodness for libraries that are online...they make life so much easier. I also check out books I am not sure I want for my personal library but if it is an author or book I love I buy it.

  5. Being a librarian myself I have to use the public library!! Honestly, I love the library. I usually go with books in mind or to pick up books that are on hold for me. Then after browsing for a while I walk out with a bag full!!! I'm hopelessly addicted :)


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