Hello and Happy New Year to all! Wow, did the holidays zip by or what??!! It seems they came and went in a flash! I'm anxious to see what this new year is going to bring, on many fronts - personally, professionally with my job and spiritually as I move towards my own baptism and following the path He has for me. I'm sure it will be a very exciting year all the way around.
I'm very excited about my bookish goals for this year as I focus on reading some classic literature while still keeping up with current releases. Speaking of current releases, I just finished a book that will be released in a few weeks. It's called HOTEL ON THE CORNER OF BITTER AND SWEET by Jamie Ford, a debut author. I received this book from Library Thing Early Reviewers and read it immediately. It was a great story that I enjoyed very much, however I do not yet have the review to share with you. I promise to have that in the days to come, so please check back for that.
I started a new book yesterday called 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN that was a gift from my aunt. It's Christian Non-fiction written by Don Piper, who gets into an accident and is presumed dead by the emergency workers. This is his story of what happened to him immediately following the accident and his experience in what he considered to be Heaven. I'm only in the third chapter, so I haven't gotten far, but already it is fascinating. If you've read this book, please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of it. If you've written a review, please leave me a link - I'd love to read it!
I picked up a copy of THE GLASS CASTLE by Jeanette Walls the other day and I'm very excited to read it. I read a great review on Sher's blog last month and I've been looking for a used copy ever since. I was lucky to have found this one at my local used book store. I've actually put myself on a book buying ban until I get some of my TBR pile read, but I just couldn't pass this one up!
OK, so I've made one resolution for 2009, but I don't like to use the term resolution, I prefer to call it a personal goal. :) I'm doing it mainly for myself, but also for my doctor, who I have an appointment with soon. I've been promising him I'm going to exercise more and he's really going to be upset with me if I don't follow through. So, I've been walking for 2 miles every day. Yes, I missed a few days over the new year, but now that things are getting back to normal there will be no more excuses!! My BFF and I go together, which is much nicer than doing it alone. We're working up to the 3 mile mark, which shouldn't be too far off. So that's my one big goal for this year. I simply can't put it off any longer. I have severe hypertension and I need to lose about 20 pounds. So, wish me luck!!
Well, I'm off to get ready for my walk! It's a beautiful, sunny day here in Florida and I want to soak up that sunshine while I can! Later, I'll be reading the blogs to see what's going on with all of you! Enjoy this beautiful day!
Don Piper was the music minister at our church and his wife was my son's first grade teacher not many months after the accident.
ReplyDeleteIt is an amazing story.
Good luck with your personal goal. Mine is similiar.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter had to read Glass Castle for school this past semester and we were fortunate enough to attend the author's lecture at the University of Kansas. I have not yet read the book, but I absolutely loved her talk! She has been through SO much and yet harbors no resentment.
You will LOVE The Thirteenth Tale - I promise. I started listening to it as an audio book (although I am not a fan of listening to a book) and became too frustrated at the slow pace of the reader that I bought the book and finished it in two days :)
Congratulations on the personal walking goal --- I *should* do the same.
Debnance - Wow, that's really something. I'm enjoying reading his story very much!
ReplyDeleteBM - Thanks and I wish you luck with yours as well! :)
Molly - How lucky to have been able to attend Ms. Walls lecture. I would've LOVED that! I can't wait to read her book!
I have difficulty with audio books too. I thought I would love them, but I prefer a 'real' book too! Many times I don't like the narrator's voice or tone. That really effects the way I feel about a book.
I'm looking forward to your review of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I know what you mean about the doctor - I go this morning and I'm just dreading it.
ReplyDeleteI'm also interested in your review on Corner. I READ 90 Minutes in Heaven last year but did not review it because it was before I started my blog... but, I mention it on my Books page. I really liked it. I think you will too.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear what you think of The Glass Castle. Two of my girlfriends are reading it this month and you make 3! WOW. I just hope you like it.
Best to you!