
Apr 27, 2009

Musing Mondays: Non-Fiction

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading non-fiction…

Do you read non-fiction regularly? Do you read it in a different way or place than you read fiction? (question courtesy of Diane)

I do read non-fiction, but not as often as I used to. I like to read biography's and current event books, but since I started my blog I've focused mainly on fiction. I've only read four or five non-fiction books in the last year. One that really left an impression on me was INFIDEL by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. [Review here]. Currently, I'm reading THE AUDACITY OF HOPE. My non-fiction reading isn't as regimented as it is with novels, therefore it takes a lot longer to finish them.

I don't read non-fiction any differently than fiction. I like to read sitting up - mainly because if I lay down or get too comfy I fall asleep! That makes reading in bed very difficult even though I love it. My favorite place to read is in the recliner in my bedroom between two corner windows. The lighting is perfect.

Musing Mondays is graciously hosted weekly by Rebecca at Just One More Page.


  1. I don't read much non-fiction. I will if something catches my eye, but I prefer fiction.

  2. I read a lot of memoirs and stuff like that. Infidel looks like a great book!!

  3. I'm a big memoir fan too -- so many interesting lives out there! And I can't really read in bed either -- I tend to fall asleep too.

  4. yes, I am another that can't read in bed...I will be asleep in

  5. I don't read nonfiction much I like to escape into the pages of a good story.

  6. Hi Lisa, I had reviewed two books from Bell Bridge last fall. This one, Tender Graces is a manuscript type with the big plastic coil holding it together. I find it hard to read those so that is why I initially threw it on the whenever pile. I saw Egret Cove in the little brochure and thought that sounded good. Are you planning on reviewing it? Have you reviewed anything for them before? Deb smith is the one who sent me the book. I hope you enjoy it.

  7. Biographies and entertainment books (I hope to pick up a book about the Academy Awards before too much longer) are what I enjoy the most!

  8. Hi Lisa, I've given you another award and it is just adorable. Stop by to pick it up.

  9. Kaye: Thank you so much! It means a lot to me!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!