
Apr 26, 2009

The Sunday Salon: New Beginnings

This certainly has been a strange week. This is my first post since Tuesday. My last day at the job I've had for the past nine years was Friday. It was a job I loved and I worked for a man I respect, who is a good friend, so needless to say, its been a tough week. As I've mentioned before, the crashing economy has been especially hard on Florida in the construction industry and that's where I've made my life. Since 1983 I've worked in all aspects of the business. Unfortunately, New Colony Homes is taking a hit and can no longer afford to keep the office open. So its time now for me to explore other things. Because of my retinal disease and low vision, I'm now going to take the step I've been putting off for some time now and will file for disability, with the hope of maintaining a small bookkeeping business from my home as a supplement. The upside is that I'll be gaining lots of reading and blogging time! Yay!

I did manage to do a few bookish things in the early part of the week. For one, I finished ETTA by Gerald Kolpan. [Review here] It's a western-themed novel about Etta Place, the girlfriend of the "Sundance Kid" and member of the Hole-In-The-Wall Gang. Very enjoyable storytelling from a debut author.

I picked up TRUE COLORS by Kristin Hannah at the library on Monday. I had to wait two months for this one!! But it is worth the wait. I'm halfway through it and if it weren't for other things going on, I'd have finished it already, but my mind hasn't been on reading the last several days. This is the first book I've read of Ms. Hannah's and I am loving it. Her writing just flows fom page to page and I love the premise of the story. Three sisters, raised on a ranch in a small town in Washington state, and the bonds of family loyalty. It has a little bit of everything, even a murder. It's a great story! I'll definitely be picking up more of her books if they're anything like this one.

I received an ARC of THE LAST BRIDGE by Teri Coyne from LibraryThing on Thursday that I'm very anxious to start reading. I think it's going to be a real page turner from what I've read about it. I also got Jodi Picoult's HANDLE WITH CARE that I won from BookClubGirl last week. That's another author I've never read before. But that one is going to have to wait a bit. I've got a few ARC's to get through first.

I'm planning to get back into reading today and hopefully finish TRUE COLORS. And I'm also going to spend some time catching up on my blog reading. I'm scared to even look at my Google Reader!!! I hope you are having a pleasant Sunday - what book has your attention today?


  1. I'm so glad you're enjoying True Colors. I read Firefly Lane a few months ago and liked it.

  2. Best of luck to you starting your bookkeeping business from home. This economy is scary right now and it is hitting all of us pretty hard. I work at a small private college and there are definitely rumors of layoffs in the air. I also won a copy of Handle with Care from Book Club Girl and can't wait to get to it!

  3. I'm sorry about your job, but it sounds like you've made great plans. I hope there is room for lots of reading and cooking in there:-)

  4. I am really sorry to hear about your job. I know so many people who have been hit by the recession lately. Fingers crossed your plans work out for you.

  5. Mary: Firefly Lane is one I really want to read next! I'm glad to hear you likd it.

    Jo-Jo: Thanks for your good wishes. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Congrats on winning the book!

    Kristy: Thanks for your thoughts. I made the best teriyaki chicken stirfry last nite with veggies I got from the produce stand! So yummy!!

    ScapGirl: Thanks for the well wishes. I'm looking forward to trying something new.

  6. Good luck! I so admire your positive attitude!

  7. I truly believe that a closed door leads us to an open window of opportunity. My husband has experienced unemployment several times and I can honestly say that each and every time another opportunity presented itself.

    It sounds like you have a great future ahead of you that will incorporate many of your gifts, talents, and interests. I know you will do well.

  8. Good luck with the new business. Sounds like you picked up some nice books this week!

  9. I am sorry to hear about your layoff; however, I echo the sentiments of everyone here in admiring your positive attitude. I hope that your bookeeping business does well and that you are able to file for disability without any problems. On a purely selfish note, I look forward to reaading more reviews from you :)

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your job, it is scary nowawdays with the economy like it is.
    Best of luck with your bookeeping business.

  11. Sorry to hear about your job Lisa but hopefully the disability and working from home will work well for you. I work from home though and believe it or not it doesn't give me any extra reading time. I'll be watching for your review on True colors. I have that one on my shelf. Hope you have a good week!

  12. As you said in your post title... this is a new beginning. I was not aware of your history with retinal disease but my father battled with that and I know how difficult it can be at times. Hang in there and good luck!

  13. First off let me say how sorry I am that Friday was your last day at a job you loved. But your optimism is wonderful and I hope all works out for you!! Loved your review of True Colors!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!

  14. Fiction has been my staple. Even when I walk into the bookstore, my footsteps direct me to the fiction and literature section where I browse for the next favorite reads. I don't read as much non-fiction but if a topic, like Tibet, literary criticism and Chinese history, appeal to me, I can be on a binge. :)

  15. Good luck with your bookkeeping business and transitioning to disability. Your positive attitude shines through.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!