
May 25, 2009

Musing Mondays: Gift Certificates

Today's Monday Musing is . . .

Do you give gift certificates as gifts, and if so, are they for a specific store or do you use online stores?  And, do you enjoy receiving gift certificates as a gift? 

My response - 

Let me start by saying it's been three weeks since I've participated in MM and I have missed it! These last three weeks have been crazy for me.  First, my boss had to close his business, so I lost my job, (that's been tough to get through). Then I did some repainting in my house, and last week my washing machine broke and flooded my home office. I finally got things dried out and put back yesterday! What a mess! Anyway, it feels good to get back on track today! 

Now for my answer - I do give (book) gift certificates to some as gifts, but unfortunately, not many of the people in my life are big readers.  Oh, how I wish they were!  Sometimes, though, if I know there is a particular book someone wants, I'll go ahead and get it for them.  I've never given an online gift certificate before.  I usually go to the bookstore and get the gift certificate to stick inside of a card.  And yes, I do receive gift cards as gifts and I LOVE THAT! There is always a book i'm anxious to read, so the card never lasts long!  I've also received online gift certificates and that is very convenient, considering my non-driver status.  Usually they are from Amazon, which I love anyway and I don't have to ask anyone to drive me to the store.  I can take all the time I need to make up my mind right here at my computer.  

I do wish more of the people in my life enjoyed reading as much as I do. It would be great to share all of the wonderful books there are to choose from.  How do you feel about gift certificates?  For more musings, stop by Rebecca's at Just One More Page every Monday!


  1. It does sound like you've had a rough 3 weeks. Hopefully things will go better now. Happy reading!

  2. My mother and sister are both big readers. I gave my sister an amazon gift certificate for her birthday so she could buy books for her Kindle.

  3. Sorry things have been so crazy Lisa. I sure hope they straighten out for you.

    I do buy gift certificates for those I know that read but most people that I know just aren't as book crazy as I am.

  4. I wish I had more readers in my life, too. I do buy gift certificates for some from Amazon, but they can get other things besides books from there.

    Of course I love receiving gift certificates for books from anywhere.

  5. Sounds like you've had few crazy, frustrating weeks! Hope things are calmer this one.


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