
May 17, 2009

The Sunday Salon: Where did the week go?

I can't believe how fast the week went whizzing by.  Even though I hardly cracked open a book, I did get a lot accomplished.  I had to put aside my books and computer to tackle a painting job that I have been planning for awhile now.  It wasn't exactly the best time to stop reading for an entire week, but that's just how it worked out.  I'll just have to get caught up on my reviews and reading this week.  

I'm so happy with my little home improvement project and even happier that I'm done with it!  My kitchen and dining room was in desperate need of a coat of paint.  I've hated my kitchen for years and finally did something about it.  I couldn't have done it without the help of my way cool mom!!  I never knew she was such a painting guru!!  I guess you're never too old to learn things about your mother!  Even though it was hard work, we really had a good time and we worked so well together. And the result is that I now have a beautiful, bright kitchen that looks even bigger now that I painted over all of the dark wood trim work that I've hated for so long. I just love it! Next project on the schedule is the living room, but since there are construction revovations to be done, my dad will be helping me with that one. 

As I mentioned, I had to sacrifice my reading this week but I'm planning on spending most of today trying to catch up.  I'm reading two very good books and can't wait to get back to them.  They are THE LAST CHILD by John Hart and BEACH TRIP by Cathy Holton. Both books are equally good and it's hard to choose which one to pick up first! 

And as if I'm not already behind enough, I got a notice from the library that DROOD  is ready for me to pick up! What's that - 750-some pages?  Oh My God! When it rains it pours! I've been on the waiting list for that book ever since it came out!  

I'm also so behind in my blog reading it isn't funny.  Let me just apologize now for being so absent.  I'll be spending my evenings catching up on what y'all have been reading.  I thought I'd be able to do some blog reading at night after painting each day, but I was so physically exhausted I couldn't keep my eyes open. 

I'm off now to grab my books and start reading! What have you decided to do with this glorious Sunday?  


  1. Congrats on tackling the painting job! I've been wanting to paint our half bath for a year and a half now.

  2. Kitchen renovations are very tiring!! Glad that you and your mom got it done and that you're enjoying your kitchen again!! Hope your Sunday is working out for reading!!

  3. Yay on the paint job! I would love to paint the dark cabinets in my kitchen but it's a huge job. I do feel a bit inspired though after reading how well it went for you.

    I've not read a John Hart book but my friend has been bugging me to read Down River. Have you read that one?

    Today I have been lounging around. My little one has a fever and is terribly whiny but she seems okay otherwise so we've been holed up in the house all day watching movies and reading.

    Tonight we'll throw some steaks on the grill and just stretch the evening out as long as possible because I sooo do not want to think about going back to work tomorrow.

  4. Glad you got your painting done at home Lisa and that you enjoyed the time with your mom. It's always nice to get something like that done and then sit back and enjoy it.

  5. well done on getting your kitchen painted. I am very envious. I really need to do my living room.


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