
Jan 4, 2010

Musing Mondays: Reading Resolutions

Today's Musing Mondays post is about New Year reading. . .

With the New Year here already, do you have any reading resolutions or goals (challenges aside) for 2010? Perhaps a new author? Genre? Want to read more non-fiction? Want to write more reviews?

I do have a few reading goals for this year - I don't like to use the word 'resolution' though. That sounds too formal for me. The main goal is to spend more time reading the books from my own shelves. I have some terrific books there and I need to get busy reading them before buying any more or borrowing from the library. A couple in particular are THE POISENWOOD BIBLE, THE STORY OF EDGAR SAWTELLE and of course, THE BOOK THIEF, which I bought recently. Sounds like a good start to 2010 to me!

I'm also planning to finish the Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris that I am really loving. Who knows, I may even break down and start reading the Twilight series. There are a few non-fiction books I have my eye on that sound interesting. One in particular is David Sedaris' ME TALK PRETTY ONE DAY. I've had a few friends tell me it is really funny. I think I'm going to get the audio version as I've been told it is great.

I haven't completed my 2009 wrap-up post yet (I'm a little late to the party on that one!) but I plan to have that in the coming days. Last year I read a lot of debut authors and I think this year I want to read some authors that are not new, but are new to me. For instance, Elizabeth Berg, Beth Kephart and Michelle Moran to name a few.

I have noticed that there are so many challenges out there it must be hard to keep them all straight. Luckily, I don't have to. I don't do challenges. It's simply too much pressure for me. I don't plan my reading out that far in advance to know what I'm going to read a head of time. My reading choices change with my mood and I don't want to feel obligated to read a book simply because I joined a challenge. What I mean to say is, if I'm reading a book that I'm not really in the mood for, but feel I have to, I will more than likely not have as good a reaction to the book, than if I read it simply because I was in the mood for that book. I hope you can make sense of what I am trying to say. I don't mean to be a challenge snob, they are just not for me.

I'm looking forward to 2010 and all the wonderful stories that await me. Do you make reading resolutions? What plans do you have for this year? Musing Mondays is hosted weekly by Rebecca at Just One More Page. You can click here to find out what reading resolutions other book lovers have made.


  1. This year I'm going to try to read more of the books I already own, too. I really bought way too many in 2009. I know how you feel about challenges - sometimes I feel that way, too. But I think I need a little pressure in order to keep me reading and away from the TV screen!

  2. I plan to finish the books I started in 2009. That means about 4 or 5 books! Hope you visit my weekly round-up in my Sunday Salon.

  3. I gave up on resolutions years ago since I fail miserably at them. Good luck with yours!

  4. I totally agree with you about no challenges, as I write myself. I don't need the pressure!

  5. You will wonder why you waited to read The Poisonwood Bible and The Book Thief! They are so goodl.

  6. I just received The Story of Edgar Sawtelle for Christmas and can't wait to read it!


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