
Jan 5, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: 1.5.10

Teaser Tuesday is one of my favorite memes of the week. I haven't participated in several weeks so I'm glad to be back and sharing my books again. By now I'm sure you know the rules, but here they are just in case...
  • Grab the book you're currently reading
  • Let if fall open to a random page
  • Choose 2 consecutive sentences to share, being careful not to include any spoilers
  • List the title of the book and the page you took your teasers from
Today my teasers are from CLUB DEAD, the third installment of the Southern Vampire Mystery Series by Charlaine Harris. I was going to use another book I'm reading, but honestly, I was having a hard time getting into it and decided to go with the book I'm really enjoying instead. I'm sure most of you are familiar with this series, so I'll just get right to the teaser...

Engrossed in my unhappy thoughts, I didn't recognize trouble when it was standing right beside me. Until it grabbed me by the arm. ~ page 103

For those who don't know, Sookie, the main character in the series, is a human with the ability to read people's thoughts. This, as they say, can be a blessing and a curse. This ability, however, is useless with her vampire boyfriend, Bill. You see, Sookie can't read the minds of vamps, which is a good thing most of the time. In this installment, Bill comes up missing and Sookie fears vampires from another area are trying to kill him - for real.

If you'd like to read more fun teasers from other readers, visit MizB at Should Be Reading. She hosts this event each week and anyone is welcome to play along. It's a great way to peek into some really great books.


  1. I have never read any of this series but i do like her Aurora Teagarden books. Probably the last person on earth who hasn't.

    Great teaser, Lisa.
    Here is my teaser

    Have a great week and happy reading.

  2. Someday I'll be able to continue with this series. Until then I'll read everyone's teasers! Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  3. Iam not a big fan of this kind of books, but your teaser is nice..
    Here is mine:

  4. I really need to read these books!!

  5. Fabulous teaser. My TT:

  6. Another Sookie teaser! I can't wait to get into this series :)

    Excellent teaser this week! I am re-reading Watership Down by Richard Adams this week. You can find my teaser here.

  7. One day I will start this series. Thanks for the teaser and have a great week :)

  8. Very cool teaser...must get #2 read!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Fab Teaser!

    Here's mine:


  11. So far, I haven't been bitten (sorry!) by the vampire book bug (worm?) - the only vampire book I've read was Stoker's Dracula. But this one does sound like a fun read. Nice teaser!
    Here's mine.

  12. To be honest I've never even heard of this author....sounds like I'm missing out, based on your post and the comments!

    I have a book blog too...maybe I'll review on of her books one day! Great teaser, and I'll be following you on Google Reader from now on!

  13. oohh! some great Sookie stuff this week! makes me very tempted to go grab on to try... =D

  14. Great choice - these are such good books!

    My teaser is here.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!