
Mar 1, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This weekly meme is now being hosted by Sheila at One Persons Journey Through A World Of Books and is open to anyone who wants to share what books they've been reading and are planning to read.


Last week I finished reading THE GIRL ON LEGARE STREET by Karen White, the second in the Tradd Street Series. I'll be posting my review later this week.

I reviewed JANEOLOGY by Karen Harrington and you can find that review here. If you're a member of GoodReads, be on the lookout for a giveaway that Karen is hosting there for 3 signed copies of this fascinating book! You definitely don't want to miss out on that!

This week I'm reading Pat Conroy's SOUTH OF BROAD as part of a TLC Book Tour for April. I started reading it yesterday and immediately was reminded how much I love his writing. I'm looking forward to getting lost in this book.

What books are your reading this week?


  1. I love Pat Conroy's writing too, so I can't wait to see what you think of South of Broad!

  2. One day I'll get to the Tradd series books. I've always thought they looked interesting.

  3. I just looked up Janeology and I must say that it sounds like a difficult book to read. I am wondering if I am the only person around who hasn't read any Pat Conroy?? ;)
    *smiles and happy reading*

  4. It feels like the Tradd Street book has been on my list forever. I'll get to it one day! Enjoy your reading week!

  5. I too got South of Broad for TLC and can't wait to start it (which I hope to be able to do by the weekend)!!

  6. Oh, I've been wanting the Pat Conroy book!

    And Janeology is another one that has piqued my interest.

  7. Kim - I can't encourage you enough to read Janeology. Even though the premise for the story is about a mother killing her own child, the story focuses on the geneology of the mother instead of the act itself and the defense of the father. It is a wonderfully thought out story that was fascinating. Check out my review and it will explain it. :)

  8. I too have SOuth of Broad in my TBR pile, but I shall not get to it this week. Happy reading. My Monday:

  9. South of Broad is on my library list - looking forward to getting it in.

    Here is my Monday:

  10. I have the 1st Tradd street book I need to just read it.

    My post

  11. I'm on the South tour too...really looking forward to reading it!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I have to get more involved in Good reads I just have a hard time juggling the blogging the commenting the reading and Good reads! :)

    Have a super weekend!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!