
Mar 2, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: 3.2.10

The rules for Teaser Tuesday are simple:
  • Grab your current read
  • Let if fall open to a random page
  • Choose two sentences to share, being careful not to include any spoiler sentences
  • Name the book and page where your teasers are from
Today my teasers are from Pat Conroy's SOUTH OF BROAD, a book I only started reading a day or two ago, but already I'm feeling myself being drawn into the southern charms of the story and of his writing.

Charleston could produce men and women so aristocratic they could smell the chromosomes of a passing tramp in the armpits of a tennis-playing Ravenel. It was a city and a club that knew exactly who it wanted, and I didn't fill the bill in any of its particulars. And I was well aware of it. ~ page 46


  1. I love this teaser, Lisa. I'll watch for your review : )

  2. Interesting teaser. Enjoy your book. Here's Mine.

  3. Haven't read this one yet, but I've enjoyed other works by Pat Conroy in the past. All the reviews make this one sound like a great read. Love the teaser!
    Here's mine.

  4. Fab teaser! Hope you're enjoying it :o)

    My teaser is here:

  5. Let's compare notes when you're finished. I don't remember every detail, it's been a while but I do remember my feelings on the book. Have a great week and happy reading! Here is my teaser giveaway

  6. I loved this book! You can tell Conroy has great affection for his fair city.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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