
Sep 15, 2011

BTT: Replay

This week's Booking Through Thursday question asks:

Have you ever finished a book and loved it so much you went back and started re-reading it again? (And if so, please give us the titles!)

This is a simple one for me.  No, I've never done that. There have been books that I dearly loved and wished they'd never end, but for me, there are just too many fabulous books out there that I want to read for the first time.  I rarely ever re-read books, with only a few exceptions - the classics.  Right now, actually, I'm re-reading TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, but the first time I read it was almost 30 years ago, so does that even count?! I'm enjoying it so much and re-discovering things in the book, its like I'm reading it for the first time.

As I'm writing this, I realize though, there may be one book that I re-read right after I finished it and that was when I was a young girl and the book was CHARLOTTE'S WEB. However, I don't know if I finished it the second time around.

How about you? Have you ever loved a book so much you re-read it right after you finished it? Be sure to check out the Booking Through Thursday blog to read more thoughts on this topic.


  1. Aw, yes, Charlotte's Web was a great one :)

    Here's mine:

  2. I never did either, too many others out there.

  3. I live for rereading books! I'm an Air Force brat, so we moved a great deal, and I reread books whenever I was feeling lost, isolated, or out-of-sorts. It was (and still is) reassuring to revisit people and places that were familiar and remained so. Whenever I'm in a funk, picking up an old favorite -- like Rebecca -- always restores me.

  4. I rarely re-read books and have never re-read one as soon as I finished it.

  5. I don't do much re-reading now, and certainly not right after I've finished a book. But as a kid, I read Lewis Carroll's Alice books many times, and Little Women several times, too.

  6. I've never done that nor do I think I ever will!!

  7. Ah, Charlotte's Web. I checked it out from the school library over and over again.

  8. Okay--I must be strange...I love to read and have a TBR mountain, but I re-read a few things religiously: The Lord of the Rings is re-read at least every three to five years, and I have read the entire Harry Potter series three times. Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series takes first place though--the entire series gets read at least every other year (and I find new details every time).

    With Inheritance coming out this fall, I'll begin a re-read of the first three Paolini books soon so I can time the finish of those to the November release date of the final volume.

    As a young girl, I read Little Women and The Hobbit many times...


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!