
Sep 14, 2011

W.W.W. Wednesday

Hello and welcome to W.W.W. Wednesday, where we share the books that have our attention by answering these three simple question . . .

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you planning to read next?
My Answers:

What are you currently reading?  I'm reading DEAD TO THE WORLD by Charlaine Harris and TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee.  I started both of these books a few months ago. I usually always have a Sookie Stackhouse book going that I read in between other more serious novels. (This is book #4 in the series) Its a quick, easy read that is my guilty pleasure.  I read a chapter of TKAM each night before bed. because I love the book and it puts me in a happy place.

What did you recently finish reading?  I recently finished and reviewed CROOKED LETTER, CROOKED LETTER by Tom Franklin. If you'd like to read my review, you can find it here. I also just finished IRON HOUSE by John Hart. I'll have more on that when I post my review in a few days.

What are you planning to read next?  That is a good question. When I'm not reading review copies, what I read depends on my mood. I was going to go the library to get some books yesterday, but I've decided that I want to spend some time reading the books I already have on my own shelves.  I have many to chose from. I may read THE LACE READER, or THE BOOK THIEF, which I've had for awhile now or THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN.  i guess I'll know when I pick it up!

Stop by Should Be Reading if you'd like to participate in W.W.W. Wednesdays, but beware, your TBR pile will grow, I promise you! Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Love how you described TKAM. I reread this book this summer. It always resonates!

  2. Hey Lisa, Just read your post and I think you do a great job writing. But of course I am prejudice being your mother. Keep up the good work. Love You, Mamma

  3. I read TKAM in high school. I should reread it and see how I feel about it now 30 years later especially after seeing it puts you in a happy place.

  4. Karen: you are so right!

    Mom: I love you! You are my biggest fan. xo

  5. The Lace Reader is really good, I hope you enjoy it :)

    Here's mine:

  6. I hope you have a great week in books!

  7. I can't wait to see what book you will pick to read next. I haven't been to my library in almost 6 months!! I'm sure they wondered what happened to me!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!