
Nov 23, 2012

Its A Thankfully Reading Weekend!

You won't find me at any retail store on this Black Friday! Or any Black Friday for that matter. I'm not one to fight crowds  and get up at 3:00 am to get a bargain. Honestly, I've never really understood the whole thing, probably because I'm not a big shopper. What I choose to do instead is to stay home and participate in the annual Thankfully Reading Weekend Read-A-Thon, hosted by Jenn of Jenn's Bookshelves. This year, she has invited Jennifer from Literate Housewife to be her co-host!  For more info head over to Jenn's blog and to sign up. Its not too late and there are no rules to follow - its just a weekend full of books and reading! Seeing as how I wound up in the ER yesterday getting 10 stitches in my finger and the fact that my left hand feels like a club, reading at home is a good place for me to be this weekend!

I've got several books I'm going to be reading from that I'm excited about. And I'll be posting my progress on Twitter here:  @SouththrnGrlReads And you can follow all the participants using the hashtag #ThankfullyReading.

Some of the books I'll be reading from include LIFE OF PI by Yann Martel, THE SECRET SENSE OF WILDFLOWER by Susan Gabriel, ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE by Jess Riley and I'm going to start a re-read of Faulkner's classic THE SOUND AND THE FURY. I'm also going to continue listening to BROKEN HARBOR by Tana French. That should keep me busy all through the weekend, don't ya think?

So, I'm off to start reading....


  1. No Black Friday shenanigans for me either - I'm not much of a shopper either. I hope you find plenty of time to read.

  2. We are kindred spirits. I am not fond of shopping at all unless it's for others or for books!! have a great weekend of reading! I loved Life of Pi and am thinking of watching it tomorrow!!


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