
Nov 23, 2012

Thankfully Reading: Day 2 Challenge

For the second day of Thankfully Reading Weekend Jenn has asked this question: What Book Are You Most Thankful For This Year? 

My answer to this question came to my mind so quickly and easily. It is THE HOMECOMING OF SAMUEL LAKE by Jenny Wingfield. It is a debut novel that I absolutely LOVED.  Southern Lit at its absolute finest. And I am not alone in my feelings about this book. I read this as part of a TLC Book Tour and the other participants loved it as well. You can read my review here. It is the book I've recommended the most.


  1. Oh my - I need to try to get to this one soon!

  2. I've heard such good things about this book - must look for it!

  3. I absolutely fell in love with this story!! Great choice! And Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your hand is feeling a bit better!!


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