
May 31, 2015

The Sunday Salon: Looking Ahead to June

It's hard to believe we're about to reach the mid-way point of 2015. June has come around so fast that it's scary how quickly the remainder of the year will fly by. With June's arrival, the humidity levels in Florida have also decided to stick around. Fortunately, I have a well-treed lot and a concrete block home that tends to stay cool a little longer than most. It enables me to enjoy open windows through May, but I can tell those days are behind me now until later in the year when it finally starts cooling off again.

So far this year I've been happy with my reading choices and June is looking pretty promising too. I've got a few books I'm finishing up this week. One is LADIES' NIGHT by Mary Kay Andrews. This book came out two years ago and slipped past me somehow. I really enjoy her fun and light stories of women in Florida and Georgia. I'm also halfway through an audio book I received from author Susan Gabriel. It's called TEMPLE SECRETS and takes place in Savannah, one of my favorite cities. It's kind of Southern Gothis with a lot of family secrets and ghostly characters. I've got a review of THE GIRL WHO CHASED THE MOON by Sarah Addison Allen to post this week. I've had a hard copy of this book for a few years but I have such difficulty reading print books so I have been unable to read it. Recently, it was offered as a Kindle deal so I jumped at it and read it immediately.

I hate to admit it, but I guess I have to face the fact that my eyes are beginning to fail me much faster than they used to so I'm going to be reading some of the books I already have on my Kindle while I still can. I've noticed a startling decline and I'm really having a hard time seeing just about anything anymore. The white cloud-like film that covers my vision is getting more prevalent. Anyway, I will be finishing THE GOLDFINCH that I started last year and I also want will be reading BLISS HOUSE by Laura Benedict. It's suppose to be a creepy summer beach read and that seems to be the mood I'm going to! I also want to read AND THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED. There are many others on my Kindle but for now that's what I'm getting started with.

I am expecting a review copy of A WEEK AT THE LAKE by Wendy Wax early this week. They sent me a paperback advance copy but the print is just way to small, so I've requested a digital copy from the publisher instead and I should have it maybe tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to that one. It will be my first Wendy Wax book even though I recently added TEN BEACH ROAD to my Kindle.

The thing I'm really excited about is the audio book I'm starting this week. I'm not a big Stephen King fan even though I have read a few of his books. But with his new book coming out soon, I wanted to give him another try. MR. MERCEDES came out last year as you know and it's the first in a trilogy. I chose it in audio format mainly because Will Patton is the narrator. He is a wonderful actor with a fantastically sinister voice. You may remember him from the movie No Way Out with Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman. He played the creepy aide to the senator, played by Hackman, who was fixated on him. I believe he will add a whole other dimension to this book. After I listen to MR. MERCEDES, I'll be ready for FINDERS KEEPERS, the second book. I've read that this trilogy is a departure for King and the perfect segue into his work if you're new to him. I felt it would be perfect for me.

So that's a sampling of what I'll be reading this June. I plan to get a lot of reading done now that my favorite tv shows are on hiatus for the summer. I do have a few shows I enjoy during the summer like Suits, Major Crimes and my favorite Hell on Wheels which is starting in July this year. But I'm glad to take a break from so much tv. That said, I will be watching Orange is the New Black later this month on Netflix!

As for today, I'm taking it easy. Nothing going on but finishing LADIES' NIGHT and listening to the NASCAR race on tv. I want to apologize for not including more links and book cover photos in this post, but the double vision is at an all-time high today, making it really difficult to see the screen. Adding the links would probably just lead to a headache that I don't need today. So, I'm sorry guys, just hang in there with me. Sorry also for any mis-spellings I may miss. I hope everyone has a great Sunday! Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Very nice June lineup.

    I still haven't read AND THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED. ENJOY!!

    I have been seeing A WEEK AT THE LAKE around. I hope it is enjoyable.

    Have a great week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

    1. I'm really excited for the Wendy Wax book. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your eyes, but glad you are able to enjoy books still, especially through audio and the Kindle. I haven't read or heard the newer King books. I'll be interested to hear what you think.

    1. Thanks Bryan - its been a scary transition but I am so thankful for new technology that enables me to keep reading. I do miss holding a real book, but I'll take what I can get! I've grown to really enjoy audios and that came as a surprise to me. Have a good week and by the way, Happy Early Birthday!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your vision. Have you tried audio books?

    1. Yes, I rely on audios as much as digital books and I've grown to really love them!

  4. Lisa, I knew your eye condition was degenerative in nature, but for some reason, I thought they could reverse the damage. Is that not the case? I apologize for spacing out.


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