
Jun 7, 2015

The Sunday Salon: Sidelined

I had such high hopes and had my whole week planned out for this past week. What I would read, listen to and post here on the blog. Well, you know what they say about best laid plans. Instead, I was sidelined with recurring shoulder pain that reached an all-time high early on in the week. I've been to my regular doctor, been referred to an orthopedic doctor and made multiple trips to my chiropractor. I've been taking steroids to help manage the pain, which is debatable whether they are working or not. The pain I've been feeling is originating from my the base of my neck over to the left top part of my shoulder then radiating down my left arm, elbow and to my wrist. This makes using my left arm almost impossible. My chiropractor informed me I had more than one piched nerve. It has been a nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone. I haven't slept in my bed in five days because I can't lie down properly. I've been averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep on and off each night.

My reading and blogging plans have come to a screeching halt! The steroids I'm taking are giving me blurred vision so I wasn't able to start Wendy Wax's new book A WEEK AT THE LAKE as I planned. Though I have started listening to Stephen King's MR. MERCEDES, I can only handle it in small doses because even the noise of the awesome Will Patton is annoying me. I also have two reviews to write but sitting at the computer has just been too painful. I'm shocked I've been able to sit here this long to write this post. I'm typing so fast, I may not catch all my errors, so please bear with me. I just want to get it done before the pain becomes intolerable.

The fact that I am sitting here typing tells me that maybe I am improving. That's encouraging to me. I will be visiting some blogs today but on my tablet while sitting propped up on the couch. I just may not be able to leave many comments as its harder for me to see on it. I'm hopeful I'll maybe get some reading done today or tomorrow.

What I'm excited about to day is that I picked up a great book deal on Kindle Daily Deals today! It's an author I've never read but this book has great reviews. It's Rachel Abbot's SLEEP TIGHT. I remember when it came out early last year and was happy to be reminded of it this morning. The reviews state that it's a edge of your seat mystery that with an totally unpredictable plot. So I'm really excited to get into that one soon.

Well, this is about all I can handle so I will end this by saying thanks for stopping by and I apologize for being absent on the blog this week. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday! Take care!


  1. Your pain sounds horrible! Is it all from pinched nerves or is something else involved? I hope you find total relief soon.

    1. Kathy, I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone! Yes, it is stemming from pinched nerves. I'm afraid to say it but I think I actually have less pain today! Not a lot less but I'll take what I can get!

  2. So sorry to hear this. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Here's my Sunday Salon.

  3. Bleah. My husband had similar shoulder pain in both shoulders and back/leg pain as a result of several herniated discs. I know it's miserable. Good luck, feel better!

  4. Blurry vision sucks! Remember that pinched nerve I got from painting my floors? It was three years ago and the hand is still numb. They kept telling me it would get better. I hope yours heals.

  5. Ugh sorry, pain is intrusive on reading and any kind of plans. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Thinking of you and hoping your pain level goes down or even away completely. So, so sorry. Hope that Sleep Tight is a good read. I think I have it on my Kindle, probably from a daily deal - those are addictive. Take care!

  7. Hoping that the pain settles down, it's hard with pinched nerves. I have them and they get flared with heavy activity so I understand. Hope that you can get back to your reading schedule soon. I'm back to blogging, my first post went up today. I hope you can visit sometime.


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