
Feb 23, 2018

Audiobook Review: The Wisdom of Sundays by Oprah Winfrey

For the past few years I’ve been making the same New Year’s resolution: to live a more positive life and to avoid negative influences. It’s a great resolution and I had good intentions but each time after several weeks or months I would find myself falling back into old habits, letting negativity back into my life. In the last few years I’ve had a lot of changes in my life, some really good but some very upsetting. As a result it’s become even more imperative that I find a way to bring permanent positivity into my daily life. In the past i’ve dabbled in meditation with little luck mainly because I was not well-versed and just didn’t know what I was doing and eventually stopped the practice. I didn’t feel I was doing it right since I had trouble turning off my brain long enough to meditate. 

I’d been familiar with Oprah’s show, Super Soul Sunday and had enjoyed watching it a few times. When I discovered Oprah had compiled a few of the interviews from the show and incorporated them into a book I was instantly intrigued, especially with regard to the audio version.

My Thoughts on the Book

I’ll admit that this book came into my life at the exact time I was looking for what it offers and what it offers, among other things, is clarity and knowledge on a subject that can be very daunting. 

Oprah’s introduction to this book only made me more anxious to get started listening. It was filled with the promise of helping sort out questions I had regarding finding peace in my life. Before listening to this book I was unfamiliar with any of the guests in the interviews.

Michael A.  Singer, author of the best-selling book The Untethered Soul, is the first person interviewed. I’m not exaggerating when I say that  I was totally sucked in. The message in this and the other interviews is not a complicated one on the surface but you need to dig deeper to achieve the peace of mind and calm you are looking for and this book, with advice from these experts in the field show you how to do it. I would say this book is more like an overview, giving you the trolls and references needed for further study.

This is a book that I will go back to and listen to again and again for I believe I will hear something new each time. I plan to read several of the books from the guests in these interviews. If you are like me and you are in a place where you are sincerely ready to make a change for mindfulness and a higher level of spirituality, you should definitely consider reading this book. I found it to be a terrific first step towards a more peaceful existence.

My Thoughts on the Audio:

I absolutely loved the audio version of this book. Oprah narrates the introduction and the beginning of each chapter setting up what will be discussed. Actual audio clips are then inserted so you are listening to actual excerpts from the Super Soul Sunday programs. It’s almost like you’re eavesdropping on a private conversation Oprah is having with each guest. I found it to be intriguing, insightful, and I could’ve listened for many more hours. At only about six hours long, it’s easy to finish in one sitting.

The Bottom Line:

You may not agree with everything in this book but if you’re looking for a deeper level of calm and hoping to attain a higher level of spirituality I suggest trying this book. It has inspired me to continue learning how I can Live a more positive life just by changing the way I think. If that’s what you’re looking for I encourage you to listen to this book.


  1. I love Oprah's books like this - they always make me think.

  2. I borrowed this from the library in audio, too, and I loved it, too. I ended up buying it so that I can listen to it whenever I want. Thank you for your review.

  3. I struggle with audiobooks, mostly because I have to focus on characters and setting and theme. I wonder if this book might be an easier "listen" as the subject matter sounds more straightforward ... and it is definitely something I could benefit from.

  4. I just started following her podcast on Spotify. It's free but it seemed like something I'd enjoy while driving to and from work.

    It's so hard to be positive in most situations. Sometimes I am so happy and other times whiney and find myself complaining about things I cannot control. I'd like to drop that part of my personality.


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