
Feb 14, 2019

Blog Update

Hello everyone! I wanted to post this update to let everyone know what’s going on lately with Southern Girl Reads. As you can see, if you scroll down, there haven’t been many postings since early last year. Though I kept reading, it became harder and harder for me to maintain the blog the way I wanted. As some of you may be aware, my vision has deteriorated significantly over the last year and it has become impossible for me to see my computer screen any longer. Luckily, with the help of accessibility features on my Kindle and audiobooks I’ve been able to keep reading. I took a break from writing reviews for a while. It was a trying time coming to terms with losing the ability to create my blog the way I wanted to.  In fact, I still have my PC stored in my closet! I don’t really know why but just having it there makes me feel better in a way. I guess you could say I haven’t totally let go. With the help of my iPhone and the Blogger app, which I’m using now, I can still post to the blog but  i’m still a little clumsy with it. I haven’t fully figured out how to utilize all the tools and manage the layout the way I used to. That’s why a lot of the images and updates have not been done. It drives me crazy!

A short time ago I started writing reviews again and posted them on the Facebook page instead because it was much simpler for my eyes. You can easily find Southern Girl Reeds on Facebook via the search box. I invite you to come and like my page to keep up with the books I’m reading and reviewing.

I’ll be checking in periodically here on the blog but for now my reviews will be on the Facebook page. I hope you’ll check back from time to time and keep in touch. Feel free to leave a comment, either here, or on the Facebook page. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this post.

Happy reading!


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