Welcome! And happy Sunday! It's going to be another hot summer day here in Florida, much like the rest of the country. The difference is, we usually get afternoon thunderstorms down here and if they come late enough in the day, it makes for a more comfortable evening. Right now though, I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, nibbling on some coffee cake I made this morning and enjoying this quietest time of day.
Since I've had my Kindle now for a couple weeks, I thought I'd let y'all know how it's going. I've had some really sweet comments from people wishing me well and giving me some great tips. I'm not a read-the-manual type of gal so I do a lot of trial and error learning so those tips have been very useful. I absolutely love the fact that I can change the fonts to suit me. The other big thing is that I can lie down and read now, whereas before, when reading a paper book, I could never get comfortable enough to hold the book and read, so I always sat up. It is so great that I can lay on the couch, hold the Kindle and turn the page just by clicking a button with my thumb! I know it sounds like a simple thing, but it is a big deal for me! I also like the sample feature that allows you to download the first chapters of books before you buy.
The first book I downloaded was Linda Castillo's SWORN TO SILENCE. I read it in record time (for me) and I think its because I enjoyed reading it on the Kindle, but also, the fact that I was able to read for longer periods of time without my eyes getting dry and tired. I have to be honest, it also probably helped that I was really into the book and I didn't want to stop reading! I posted my review the other day and you can check it out here, if you'd like.
I've also found some really great deals at the Kindle Store on Amazon. For instance, you may be aware that Christopher Reich has a new book out titled RULES OF BETRAYAL that is the third in the John Ransom series. I read the synopsis along with some great reviews and was intrigued by it. I did some looking and found the Kindle version of the first book, RULES OF DECEPTION for only .79! And the second book, RULES OF VENGEANCE for $5.00! It sounds like a great series and at those prices, you can't go wrong. Oh, I almost forgot - I found the Kindle version of another book I've had on my library reading list for a while now and I got it for only $2.56. The book is HOW TO BE LOST by Amanda Eyre Ward. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can find some really great deals at the Kindle Store if you spend just a little time looking.
The book I'm reading now is not on my Kindle, but a review copy sent to me by LibraryThing. It's Joshilyn Jackson's newest release, BACKSEAT SAINTS. I had no idea I was going to love her writing so much. The pure southerness has completely stolen my heart. I'm not too far into it yet, but already I've laughed out loud several times at her clever wit and sharp tongue. I've never read any of her other books, but I really hope I get the chance to go back and read them, especially GODS IN ALABAMA. Apparently, the main character in this new book was a supporting chrarcter in that one and I want to know how she ended up in Amarillo, Texas, the setting for BACKSEAT SAINTS.
I did a little changing around on my blog this week, too. I was really tired of the old look and I noticed that blogger has come up with some new designs that are pretty easy to work with. Even though it's still a work in progress, I think I like the changes I've made. I hope you like it too.
Well, its time for me to go get some reading done. Since my boyfriend is out of town today, I'm looking forward to spending most if the day with my book. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon.
I liked Sworn to Silence!
ReplyDeleteHere is my TSS/Weekly Geeks post!
I like your new template and look! Gld you like the Kindle. I'm still deciding!
ReplyDeleteLisa, I'm glad you're enjoying the Kindle. I love the ability to change font size too. I'm in the middle range (fonts) so it's nice to know that if I need to I can go to a larger font. Have a great day reading :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're enjoying your Kindle so much. You must read Gods in Alabama - it's fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI'm not big on reading manuals, either. Glad you're enjoying the Kindle, and I like the new look. I need to make some changes, too...
ReplyDeleteGlad u r enjoying the kindle experience. I plan to read Backseat Saints this coming week; head it was good.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week Lisa.
I have been hearing such good things about Kindle (and nook) and how reading is more restful, etc., that I'm almost sold! Plus, one of the books I wrote (Web of Tyranny) is available on Kindle. I would love to see how it reads on that device.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of lying down to read!
I guess I was a bit put off by the initial price of the device, but there have been many sales lately...
As for blog changes, I've been doing a lot of that too. I'd been using backgrounds that were reportedly soon to disappear (Photobucket issues), so I redesigned all of my Blogger blogs (I have ten of those and ten on Word Press!). And had fun doing it!
I like yours. I think the new designs are more restful to look at and the designer feature is relatively easy.
Here's my salon:
Hi, Lisa! I noticed comments from you popping up on several other blogs I follow so I had to come check out your blog. I've been on the fence about an ereader but being able to read, comfortably, in any position is definitely a selling point that interests me. It would make a lovely 50th birthday present for me--something to cheer me up!
ReplyDeleteI knew there was a reason why we clicked...and it is because I don't read manuals either!!!! I want your Kindle for about a month..maybe I should ask Amazon if they do trial runs??? That would be cool wouldn't it???
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time reading without the boyfriend and hopefully it will rain too!
Glad to hear that you're enjoying reading on your Kindle. I think that I'd like an ereader and it is nice to see that the price went down on the Kindle. I was in B&N and they have a big booth for the Nook and it looks interesting but I am more drawn to the Kindle.
ReplyDeleteYour new template looks great!
The device is so tempting and enticing to use. It's worth buying for consumers.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby just bought an Ipad (for 'work', LOL!) and he wants me to test out reading a book on it. I'm kinda looking forward to it! Glad to hear the Kindle is everything you'd hoped for :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're happy with your Kindle and it's working so well for you. I love that you can lay down and read much more easily too. I like too, on my Sony, that I can swipe the page with my thumb to turn the page. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is looking really good Lisa!
You got a Kindle, yaaaay. The Dictionary is one of my favourite features.
ReplyDeleteAnd there are definite good deals. Going to read your review now, I am interested in that book/series.