Hello and welcome to another Sunday Salon! Boy, I honestly don't know where this week went but it sure did fly by! It's hard to believe we're approaching the end of July already. Although it has been very hot here, it doesn't seem to be as unbearable as summers past. In fact, many days its been hotter in my home state of Ohio than here, which is crazy to me. Tuesday I had a scare with my A/C unit when it started blowing hot air through the vents. I've been living on borrowed time with the unit so I figured the time had come and it just wasn't going to work anymore. Then my Dad called and suggested that since my electricity had gone on and off several times a few days before during a storm, that maybe it tripped the breaker. So I flipped it off and back on again and suddenly I had cold air flowing again! Dad is a genius! I know I'm going to have to replace it one day soon, but its a relief to not have to do it right now.
As far as my reading goes, I had a pretty good week. I have not allowed myself to get involved in any of the new summer series on TV, because, for one reason, none of them really appeal all that much to me. And secondly, I've been loving all the reading time in the evening. However, I believe Mad Men starts again July 25th on American Movie Classics and I just can't resist that show. It's so smartly written and different than anything else on TV and the actors are all amazing.
But back to the books - I finished Joshilyn Jackson's BACKSEAT SAINTS and I'll be working on my review later today. But I will say now that I am such a fan of her work and I look forward to reading more from her. Last week I posted my review of Linda Castillo's SWORN TO SILENCE [Review Here] and I was surprised when I received her new book PRAY FOR SILENCE from the publisher on Thursday! This is the second book in this new Kate Burkholder series and it is fabulous! What a nice treat that was! So I'll be reading that one soon and posting my review.
Tomorrow I'm heading over to Books A Million to pick up a copy of the 50th Anniversary edition of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. There was an online coupon and I just have to have it. I wish we had some independent book stores in my town but our only choices are two big chain stores. But I am very excited to get this book and to read it before the end of summer.
Right now I'm reading A RELIABLE WIFE by Robert Goolrick. I'm about a hundred pages in and I'm really getting into his writing style. It's very unique and the story is interesting right off the bat. After that I haven't decided what is next. I have so many great books to read: THE QUEEN OF PALMYRA, THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, LAST LIGHT OVER CAROLINA, PRAY FOR SILENCE... I could go on and on!
I'm planning to continue my leisurely weekend today by not doing too much of anything, except reading. The housework and laundry are all done, the yard is taken care of, so I can relax and not feel guilty about it. I will be keeping an eye on The British Open and nibbling on some grouper that we had left from last night's fish fry but aside from that, my nose will be stuck in a book. I hope you are able to enjoy a peaceful Sunday doing whatever it is you want to do as well. Thanks for stopping by and please come back in a day or two when I post my review of BACKSEAT SAINTS.
Enjoy your day, Lisa. Glad you don't have to deal with a new AC unit right now. I'm interested in A Reliable Wife... have been hearing a lot about it!
ReplyDeleteI loved A Reliable Wife! And how lucky you are that you have not yet read the Larsson books - you have such fun reading ahead of you!
ReplyDeleteI really liked Reliable Wife but it does have some fairly racy stuff in it that had the ladies of my book club talking! Today I'm reading Back Seat Saints and really enjoying it so far.
ReplyDeleteThe only tv I watch in the summer is Big Brother and I've even been managing to miss that.
ReplyDeleteI still have to read A Reliable Wife one of these days among a bunch of other books.
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday relaxing and reading Lisa!
A day with a book sounds fabulous to me. I'm actually enjoying the heat this summer.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a totally relaxing day!! yay to your dad for solving the a/c problem...glad you don't have to get a new one yet too!!
ReplyDeleteIt is hot, hot, hot here in Cleveland. We're under a heat advisory! I hate air conditioning and we haven't turned it off for nearly a month :(